it is tough being an anthrax fan when.......

Johnny Ace said:
I was backstage a few months ago. Charlie wouldn't shake my hand because he knew my superhuman strength would end his career as a a drummer and cartoonist. So I jackknife powerbombed him through the the table that had the anthrax m&m's and penta-twizzlers on them. Frankie charged at me and I gave him the big boot, and I then proceeded to double chokeslamm John and Scott.

Next came Rob.

Here's the thing about Rob. He's down with the devil... ya' know what I mean? He hangs with black metallers like Dimmu Borgir. So he had Lord Lucifer on his side. But that's okay, I was wearing my Venom shirt, so I channelled Cronos and his 'roid rage through my veins. We battled back and forth from the dressing room, to the parking lot, to the top of the venue. At this point, one of the security guys from the Birch Hill through a steel chair up to the roof. Rob got to it and crowned me over the head. I shook my head and wagged my finger at him while Hulking up. I then delivered a spinning heal kick and drove the chair into Rob's face. As he fell back, I grabbed him and chokeslammed him through the roof of the tour bus.

What a bunch of assholes.... after all of that, they wouldn't pose for a picture, shake my hand, etc. I'm going to write to Blabbermouth and complain.
:lol: I nearly pissed my pants reading that!! Oooh Yeah, what's it gonna be brotha?
I met them at the Rolling stone Records in-store signing after the first Chicago HOB gig last year. Got WCFYA and the complementary WCFYA poster autographed. Rob was a little quiet, but polite. In fact, they were all quite polite. Scott was also on the quiet side, but he definitely was not rude. He asked if I was going to that night's gig, but I said "naw man, I'm totally worn out from last night's show" and he was kinda disappointed. (Actually, I was broke and couldn't afford to go to the second show). Charlie was cool; he shook hands with people if I remember correctly, and Frank was cool as hell. He was kidding around and joking with people. John was easily the most outgoing. He was very cordial and friendly...I told him I was at the Hawaii gig during the Sound of White noise tour when Dan's guitar went out (they played Pipeline and Bring the noise while the techs worked on it), and he remembered that show!

Guys, everyone has their on and off days. Some people just aren't as friendly as others, and as you can see from reading the posts in this thread, not everyone is able to smile 24/7. Rock stars are people too....don't be disappointed if they aren't always as excited to meet you as you are to meet them.
Riehlthing said:
Scott walked out, saw how many fans were there and they were pretty much causing a mosh pit out back that he said, "fuck this shit" and went back in the dressing room until they had the fans out back moved back.
Hey, I was at this show in McAllen, Texas, and the entire story has not been told!!
I was actually out in the front of this large group of fans. Scotty came out back and asked everyone to move back, like towards the bus, because there were guys trying to move some heavy equipment out the back door. Some people in the crowd groaned at this, and one guy in particular went nuts. I will refer to this guy as The Ignorant Fool. So this Fool starts arguing and telling off Scott. He was saying stuff along the lines of: "You WERE my hero, but I see now that you are a jerk." and "You are a star, it is your job to sign autographs!" We will all agree that this guy was completely ignorant. Well, Scott was arguing back with him, and was visibly angered by him. He ducked into the bus, probably to avoid punching this Fool. Anyway, security moved The Ignorant Fool away, but he was still around when Scott came back out a short while later, shouting and heckling at Scott.
Scott really did not have to come back out. But he did. He signed autographs and took pictures with everyone. He even asked if everyone had an autograph that wanted one. I was especially impressed that a long-haired guy came up to Scott, gave him a hug, (it was a manly hug, not a girly one like I would have liked to give) and said something like, "I love you, Scott. I have been a fan for 15 years!" Scott thanked him sincerely. I remember this because I have been a fan for about the same length of time. (since 1988)
I was so impressed by Scott's dedication to his loyal fans, even in the face of an Ignorant Fool. He was really upset, and had said something like, "That is the guy who will be posting on the website about what a jerk I am." Well Scott, you give The Ignorant Fool way too much credit. He is probably not even computer literate. In the meantime: I LOVE YOU, SCOTTY!! :grin:
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YourAuntieSocial said:
Hey, I was at this show in McAllen, Texas, and ... I LOVE YOU, SCOTTY!! :grin:

Yeah, whatever,but you're still not getting his Bud Light! :confused: . o 0(shucks, I want one of them girly hugs for me)
friends, neighbors, metalheads, lend me your ears i come to praise scott, not bury him...ok, thats enough. :grin:

short and to the point: anthrax have always been the sweetest, nicest guys whenever they come to dallas and they have every right to be total dicks down here cause big d has never been good to thrax. they have always been willing(outwardly anyway) to do radio promotions it seems at the last minute. from a bowling party in '95 where scott was no show because it turns out he was still snowboarding in colorado (uncle charlie made the excuse that he was sick) to a cigar party in '98 where all was there and had a great time. i did say short and to the point, right?

leave us just say that something has made this band a little humble about meet and greets and seem to know that showing the fans a little respect will get them some good karma. course that doesn't explain gene simmions longetivy but that's another board.
I have never met them but I was minutes from pissing in a stall next to Charlie.It was at the hard Rock in Minneapolis and some dude was talking how charlie was just in there and how short he was in person. Then I saw him out back of first ave, and yea he was kinda short. That is my only band experiance.
Scott and Chalie are now living in my basement, and i can assure u all that they are very nice, well they would have to be with my blow torch set on "testicle roast"...

i've met Scott John and Frank and thay have all been cool, Danny Spitz however on they SOWN tous was lookin for a BJ before he would fix my watch.
jdelpi said:
From a mark's standpoint, "Hulking Up" is da bomb.

Hey, are you calling lil ol' me a mark?!? ;) I resent that. Granted, when I was a wee little naive lass, I took Vinnie Mac's word that the Hulkster and his associated -Mania could run all over me. Now I just appreciate the hulking up and the occasional leg drop for nostalgia purposes.
Yeah, they do whine. You see, there´s quite no wonder. They have done damn cool albums in the past years, but with all the shitty music industry politics, what could they do? Anyway, I met the band few times. I have to agree John and Paul were always the coolest. Charlie was OK, Scott...well...not too cool. But I agree with my weedsmoking buddy, you just can´t be cool 24/7.