It's christmas time...

I remember 3 years ago i forgot to wrap the presents up and had to quickly wrap them all on christmas morning when everyone was getting dressed. Annoying as it they were getting opened an hour later. >.<
On christmas songs, ugh..they irritate me to no end, I especially hate that Cliff Richard song 'Miseltoe and Wine'.

Stuff wrapping, it takes too much effort. I'm a lazy bastard and just put everything in them shiny bags you can buy :D
I doubt YOU know what christmas REALLY is. In fact, there's so many stories and/or influences by alot of things, no one probably knows where santa exactly came from.

EDIT: as for me, its the first time i totally dont feel like christmas.

some say he comes from Lapland in his flying carriage (with the deers), even i have heard about it, and im not Christian :)
some say he comes from Lapland in his flying carriage (with the deers), even i have heard about it, and im not Christian :)

Thats indeed one of the stories.

Another one is that he is a shaman from the north that went plucking shrooms in the forest and then around the time we now celebrate christmas, he went to peoples houses to give them the shrooms and guide them in the trip, so they had a divine intervention with their god(s) :lol:
We'll probably go to New York again and do that christmas shit like we did last year, and buy presents and whatnots.
Cheers fuckers.

HEY! HEY! HEY! Not unless you're from Philadelphia!!!!!!

Thats indeed one of the stories.

Another one is that he is a shaman from the north that went plucking shrooms in the forest and then around the time we now celebrate christmas, he went to peoples houses to give them the shrooms and guide them in the trip, so they had a divine intervention with their god(s) :lol:

I smell the makings of a Codi and Gonzo Christmas special......

Where the hell is Codi anyway? I haven't seen him post in a month or so
Christmas is gay, don't need to expand on that, but rather contradictory to that, I'd like various Jack Wills and Abercrombie and Fitch clothes as I suck.
I'd like various Jack Wills and Abercrombie and Fitch clothes as I suck.

Hahahaha :lol:

Same :erk:

I fucking hate the pretentiousness of Jack Wills, with the whole "Outfitters for the gentry" slogan.... But I do like the hoodies :p
ROTFL @ Chamet's new sig! Nicely done! Now Jesus, Santa, and Joe are all the same - AS IT SHOULD BE!

Holy shit :lol: Epic sig, fukken saved!

:lol: thanks. I'm finally putting my PS skills to good use.

Cheers fuckers.


I doubt YOU know what christmas REALLY is. In fact, there's so many stories and/or influences by alot of things, no one probably knows where santa exactly came from.

EDIT: as for me, its the first time i totally dont feel like christmas.

Since when did christmas start meaning santa?
^Was gay till the solo then became epic :lol:

@Swabs- Yes, I agree even though I'm from Cambridge and would very much like to go to Oxbridge :lol: Some of their clothes are sheer retardation like this-

What student in their right fucking mind would wear that?! :erk:

Not to mention, who the fuck would pay £349 for this?
I don't get Christmas feeling until holidays begin. As this couple of weeks are the last ones in this school semester I just have bunch of tests and stuff. Also there is no Christmas and New Year without snow (imo) and it's not snowing here yet...
We all need to stop fighting, and start celebrating the TRUE meaning of Christmas. The one very important thing that brings us together....

Fuck Ham, ham is but a shitass gay version of the almighty Bacon.

Turkey drowned in gravy = Christmas.