Fuck Ham, ham is but a shitass gay version of the almighty Bacon.
Real men enjoy both, you gay
The question is not whether or not you eat ham or bacon, but rather how much ham and bacon you will be eating.
I hate the BS consumerism, the fact that stores start preparing for the holiday right after halloween, the mobs at the mall, the same 8 songs being played constantly over and over and over and over, the fact that my family isn't the same family as it used to be so now the holiday has become more of a hassle than an enjoyment.
LOTS of Trans Siberian Orchestra Playing, and some wanting.
Fuck Ham, ham is but a shitass gay version of the almighty Bacon.
Turkey drowned in gravy = Christmas.
Ham is not a traditional Xmas meat IMO. Turkey owns. People who have Ham that I know are poor or their mom is lazy. No offense.
dutch chocolate? there's no such thing...Dutch chocolate is awesome.
dutch chocolate? there's no such thing...
good chocolate = belgian chocolate
i ate like chocolatebrownie cookies today.... and some melocakes...
december always makes me eat like a hippo