It's coooooooooooold!!

Abryl said:
*Imagines herself in Can-Cun* - now that's nice! :loco:
My aunt is there right now :D...and I'm freezing my butt (tropical style) in this friggin' rainy weather :mad:

If I can't make it to the beach in January, I will kill myself :yell:
I'd like to go to Mexico, but the motherland is so damn corrupt.
For some reason, people down there think that if you reside in the states you have money... The last think I want is for one of my kids to be snatched & then be held for ransom & getting a finger for every day that I'm late with it...
sixxswine said:
I'd like to go to Mexico, but the motherland is so damn corrupt.
For some reason, people down there think that if you reside in the states you have money... The last think I want is for one of my kids to be snatched & then be held for ransom & getting a finger for every day that I'm late with it...

It really depends on where you go to. I mean, not everything is like you see on the news. Sure there are some REALLY nasty places like Tijuana or Ciudad Juarez, you definitely want to stay away from there, also certain neighborhoods in Mexico City are quite dangerous. But when I lived in Guadalajara, we had some people at work visiting from Canada and the U.S. and they never had any problems. There are still many nice places you can go and just have fun and don't be in any danger, really :)
Abryl said:
My first winter in Indiana - tho it's not "officially" winter yet - and I am freezing today! It has already snowed once and my husband likes to tease me saying "Wait til it's 10(F) below" :(

This kind of weather makes me want to listen to Sentenced or Vintersorg tho :p
Just think about the -40's we're getting here and you'll feel warmer. :p
sixxswine said:
I'd like to go to Mexico, but the motherland is so damn corrupt.
Hah, evidently you don't live here :erk:
Rain, snow,'s doing it all right now. The real cold hasn't moved in yet, but when it does (friday), Christmas morning will be 11 or so degrees below zero. Now if one of you OSUMer says that isn't cold :lol: Then you are NUTS! :) You've heard of a 3 dog night?

It is so bright out tonight, with all the snow, I could go walking without a light. Too bad all the cold will move in, it's so pretty, and just right for the Holidays :)