It's time for a cookout

Kim K

Aug 27, 2004
Lilburn, GA
I'm having a BBQ at my house on Saturday May 14th at 2pm (Atlanta, GA area). The invitation is open to anyone that might want to attend. If you'd like to come, please send me a message and I'll supply you with directions.

Hope to see some of you there.

Kim K said:
I'm having a BBQ at my house on Saturday May 14th at 2pm (Atlanta, GA area). The invitation is open to anyone that might want to attend. If you'd like to come, please send me a message and I'll supply you with directions.

Hope to see some of you there.


That'd be noon o'clock here in Colorado. I'll throw something on the grill in your honor. Sort of a Cyber-que. :)
I think I might be able to make it dear. Do I get free beer ? I always get excited to see what kind of freaky stuff people have in their medicine cabinet when I pretend I have to use their bathroom too. That should be fun. ^____^

Of course I am joking dear. The "medicine cabinet" thing was inspired by a commercial that just came on tv. I don't dig through people's medicine cabinet, only their dirty clothes hamper. >:p~

Bryant said:
I think I might be able to make it dear. Do I get free beer ? I always get excited to see what kind of freaky stuff people have in their medicine cabinet when I pretend I have to use their bathroom too. That should be fun. ^____^

Of course I am joking dear. The "medicine cabinet" thing was inspired by a commercial that just came on tv. I don't dig through people's medicine cabinet, only their dirty clothes hamper. >:p~

Sweet! I still have some of your funky beer from ProgPower—I’ll bring that. :) I’ll PM you the directions.


Really wish I could join in the party, but I'd have to persuade the airlines to let me fly for free, ha ha! :tickled:

Have fun everyone! Take lots of pictures! :)

Urban breed said:
So? Make sure someone else takes care of your end of that garage sale. You're a woman aren't you? ;) You should be able to persuade someone. :D

I wish! At least I called at the right time to say hello to everyone!

Shit, Maybe I'll have a BBQ up here or do some summer camping. No need to charter a jet, just ride a Minnesota Misquito in!

MetalRose said:
I wish! At least I called at the right time to say hello to everyone!
I know how it is. However, there will be more opportunities.

MetalRose said:
Shit, Maybe I'll have a BBQ up here or do some summer camping.
Get that thing rolling. I might not be able to make it, gatrage sales and all, but I bet there are others...

MetalRose said:
No need to charter a jet, just ride a Minnesota Misquito in!
There's just that one little problem... ...I just checked their website, flights from here. :( Oh, wait, that could be a good thing! :D

...and btw, a great big thank you to Kim for letting us all invade her, still intact I hope, home. To all of you that wasn't there, food was great and the company even better! Love you all! Lets do it again sometime soon...
i've discovered even though i was born 13 years ago, i am really 25....i have about 20 friends my age and about 70 that are in twenties-thirties :loco:

oh guess who made it into talent show and is gonna introduce some real fucking metal!! ah, it sucks we cant do SOTB like we were going to because "its too long" so we used our own stuff.
No-Mercy said:
oh guess who made it into talent show and is gonna introduce some real fucking metal!!
Congratulations! Just remember to have fun and you're going to do just fine. Anything goes wrong... laugh at it and keep going!! :)

No-Mercy said:
ah, it sucks we cant do SOTB like we were going to because "its too long" so we used our own stuff.
Hey! That's probably not a bad thing! Keep it up and tell us how it goes...
Urban breed said:
I know how it is. However, there will be more opportunities.

Get that thing rolling. I might not be able to make it, gatrage sales and all, but I bet there are others...

There's just that one little problem... ...I just checked their website, flights from here. :( Oh, wait, that could be a good thing! :D

...and btw, a great big thank you to Kim for letting us all invade her, still intact I hope, home. To all of you that wasn't there, food was great and the company even better! Love you all! Lets do it again sometime soon...

Ouch, I think I just got blown off by Urban. No more OPP FOR YOU, Mister. Well not until you start behaving nicely! ;)

I was going to suggest a lazy day going down the Apple River. You'll see more boobs there then you will at any given concert.

Urban breed said:
...and btw, a great big thank you to Kim for letting us all invade her, still intact I hope, home. To all of you that wasn't there, food was great and the company even better! Love you all! Lets do it again sometime soon...

My house survived, however I didn't think my head did yesterday. Thanks everyone for coming. I had a great time and yes we need to do it again. Maybe a little less drinking from me next time.
Kim K said:
My house survived, however I didn't think my head did yesterday. Thanks everyone for coming. I had a great time and yes we need to do it again. Maybe a little less drinking from me next time.

Pictures? Or did Urban's and Bryant's paleness overexpose all the pictures? :)