It's time for a cookout

Proof that Dr. Pepper is indeed available in Atlanta.


Urban and Koji..........


...that pic of Urban and Koji is so cute!! :)

Lots of great pics everyone. Looks like a great time was had by all. I think I'll have to crash the party next time! :headbang:

TwstDrSteph said:
...that pic of Urban and Koji is so cute!! :)

Lots of great pics everyone. Looks like a great time was had by all. I think I'll have to crash the party next time! :headbang:


Please do. It would be great to see you again.
TwstDrSteph said:
Lots of great pics everyone. Looks like a great time was had by all. I think I'll have to crash the party next time! :headbang:

And here's a link to my pics... there are also a few others not from the barbecue.

Warning: there is visible ass. For the squeamish, I'd suggest several shots before viewing.

Shaye, when you said bare ass I was hoping that it wasn't one of two people that I expected it from... The first being Mr. Breed... we all know his ass is leather plus it might work for you but not me! LOL! I have this silly picture in my mind of Urban working at a fast food joint all decked out in leather... or Best Buy... or the Grocery Store... or the Town Hall... too funny!!!

The second was Mr. Stokes but that woulda been hard to believe... Imagine that, Bryant showing his ass...!!!

Looks to me as though everyone had a great time! Too bad I live in bum fuck or I woulda been there!

Now Bryant, be a good influence on little Koji!!! Aw fuck it, looks to me as though the right training is in place!!!
Kim K said:
Please do. It would be great to see you again.

It would be great to see you too! Keep me posted on future festivities. :)

lady_space said:

And here's a link to my pics... there are also a few others not from the barbecue.

Warning: there is visible ass. For the squeamish, I'd suggest several shots before viewing.


Great pictures, but, well, YIKES!! :loco: Thanks for the warning, Shaye!! LOL!!

If any of you ever find yoruself in the New York City area, let me know! Not much room for a BBQ, but I'm sure we can find plenty of other things to do in the city that will get us in lots of trouble. :Shedevil:

Narcosynthesys68 said:
The second was Mr. Stokes but that woulda been hard to believe... Imagine that, Bryant showing his ass...!!!

Looks to me as though everyone had a great time! Too bad I live in bum fuck or I woulda been there!

Now Bryant, be a good influence on little Koji!!! Aw fuck it, looks to me as though the right training is in place!!!

Ha ha ha well I excel at showing my ass even in a literal sense I suppose. As far as influencing Koji.... well Mom will kick my ass if I don't act right. She's already on my about the swearing. As an Alabama native, my vocabulary has been decreased about 25% without being able to use swear words though. Now people won't thanks I'ms very smart. :err:

Dude I know this isn't the right thing to do but it is/was funny... my son who is now 12 used to say fricken fuck when he was about 2 or so... just popped out one day... I about fell over... he kept on going... fricken fuck, fricken fuck...
my now ex was so pissed off... I haven't heard it out of his mouth at all since he was about 2 or so... who knows... I can think of a whole lot of worse things than swearing.

If I couldn' use swear words I couldn't speak.

And about the flashing thing, be thankful that Koji isn't a girl!
Hmmm.... though it's only been two months, I already realize having a child is a major life changing experience. However, though I might find other ways to express myself, I'm far from changing my personality simply because I have a child. When he gets older, I hope he also has balls enough to put his head on Elvis's body and post it on the net.
