Its true (reunion that is)

From Blabbermouth.....

Sharon Osbourne is believed to have promised ANTHRAX a slot at this year's Ozzfest but only on the condition that they perform with the classic lineup that was responsible for some of the band's most successful albums.

That's how you spell S-E-L-L-O-U-T.

I hope this isn't true.
Dan Spitz may act like a complete bitch but even you guys have to admit he has pulled of some excellent solos, he and Scott made an impressive duo
The first song on Biohazard´s Uncivilisation album cries....


BTW Belladonna sucks and they fucked it up for money...and I hope John will kick his ass on stage so the rest of the band will realize.
maybe its like when you buy a new car. I just bought a brand new 2005 and its last years model. Maybe they are a year ahead like that, or when you buy a magazine in Feb, but its the May issue.

jdelpi said:
Anyone notice their 25th anniversary is NEXT YEAR?
I'm not going to believe rumors from other sites. When it appears on the official Anthrax site I'll believe it, or when one of the band members confirms it in an interview. I really hope it isn't true. Adding Joey would either be for novelty value, which would kind of make the tour a bad joke, or worse, it could be the beginning of the end of the Bush-era. I'm hoping an Alphamail or Blast Beat will shed to light on confirming or dispelling the rumors soon.
From the looks of the new AM, not before we hear every detail going on in Scott's life and see pics of snow!
I think theyre going to keep us in the dark about this for as long as they can, they probably know how much shit is going to hit the fan.

SO not happy!
Wow...they're really going ahead with it...and as usual we get to find out about it on Blabbermouth first...I mean forget about the insult of the tour itself, this is a huge slap in the face - why can't we ever find out about this shit? Why can't we ever get a straight answer? I'm ready give up on them entirely at this point...especially with the watchmaking jew-for-jesus on guitar, and if they keep either of them, I'm through no matter what.
GregadetH said:
From Blabbermouth.....

Sharon Osbourne is believed to have promised ANTHRAX a slot at this year's Ozzfest but only on the condition that they perform with the classic lineup that was responsible for some of the band's most successful albums.

That's how you spell S-E-L-L-O-U-T.

I hope this isn't true.

That doesn't make sense at all, why would Sharon Osburne, a woman notorious for pandering to the MTV Nu metalheads force them to reform the classic lineup for Ozzfest? I like to think Scott and Charlie would do so on their terms
Anthrax_Mosher said:
Coolsnow7, Fuck Off!! How Can You Talk Shit About Dan Spitz Calling Him A Watchmaking Jew??

I Guess You Never Heard Keep It In The Family Huh? Fuck You !
Technically, calling Dan Spitz a Watchmaking Jew is a fact, not an insult. Hell, even calling him a watchmaking dwarf is still factual. :lol: