ITT we post funny pictures...


User: Joey POD presetz please?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Please? I need moar TACT!

Cleverbot: Me too. Do you have a job?

User: No, which is why I need you to upload moar SSL and SSD for me.

Cleverbot: I choose Tristan.

User: You must mean Trillian. That'll give me teh bass realness I'm looking for.

Cleverbot: Time for what?

User: Crabcore. *chug-a chug-a chug chug...*bass drop incoming...BOOOOOM** *Chunka chug unk...*.

Cleverbot: I'm scared.
Probably the most important football (yes, the one played with feet :muahaha:) match of the year in Argentina (correct me if I'm wrong).

