ITT we post funny pictures...

now I understand why our singer is learning the swedish language...

... I sure don't!
We learn English in our schools(1st-12th grade its mandatory.), so most of us Swedes are pretty good at speaking English.

I for one can only speak English good when i am drunk, but thats probably because i used to be super duper über awesomeness when it came to use American accents, but now i sound like a non-English speaking German, trying to read a line in Welsh-acce. :lol:
This thread lacks 4chan gifs.

Yes... yes, it did.


Congratulations, now that vaguely anthropomorphisized hamster has gotten that much more exposure on the Internet where ACTUALLY FUNNY THINGS could have gone. One idiot-infested hub of all things that teenagers should not be - like 4chan - is already three too fucking many.

We've gone quite far without asinine 12-year-olds who insist that they have Asperger's syndrome and masturbate to old men driving nails into panda bears with fake boobs. Let's keep it that way.

Hahaha, while I have no idea what 4chan is or anything else you're referencing, Jeff, all I know is the ORIGINAL dramatic PRAIRIE DOG (not chipmunk) video is still fucking hysterical :lol:
... I sure don't!
We learn English in our schools(1st-12th grade its mandatory.), so most of us Swedes are pretty good at speaking English.

I for one can only speak English good when i am drunk, but thats probably because i used to be super duper über awesomeness when it came to use American accents, but now i sound like a non-English speaking German, trying to read a line in Welsh-acce. :lol:

I wouldn't wrry, you should hear my swedish speaking accent when i use swedish here in Vaasa! :lol:!
Hahaha, while I have no idea what 4chan is or anything else you're referencing, Jeff, all I know is the ORIGINAL dramatic PRAIRIE DOG (not chipmunk) video is still fucking hysterical :lol:

Just imagine everything useless and dull that could possibly be shoved onto the internet being misspelled and photoshopped by a bunch of unoriginal wankers with a near-fatal case of the fucking stupids with nothing better to do than make cartoons of Sonic fucking Margaret Thatcher dressed up as Stretch Armstrong while masturbating to how slinty their eyes look when they staple them half-shut.

Add an unsatisfiable obsession with sex that makes about as much sense as Helen Keller rambling about Twilight, a neverending supply of Pocky and Japanese porn with everything sexual, political, or interestingly painted blurred out, and an inability to conceive anything that isn't a near-clone of an old joke with the punch line replaced with "over 9000!" or "an hero", and remove any redeeming qualities at all that may have slipped by and hidden somewhere between the lines of the previous description, and you're about half as repulsive as 4chan.

Yeah yeah Dennis Miller... enough about it.. if you dont wanna go to 4chan, dont go. I dont. Case solved.

Back to posting pictures.
We've gone quite far without asinine 12-year-olds who insist that they have Asperger's syndrome and masturbate to old men driving nails into panda bears with fake boobs. Let's keep it that way.

Normally, i wouldnt care.
But you can go stick a spiked stick up your ass you pompous fucking asshole.

If you knew ANYTHING about Aspergers Syndrome, you would not have wrote such a stupid fuckin' insult.
So there you go, you unloved piece of shit.

... Il take that ban with fries please.
Normally, i wouldnt care.
But you can go stick a spiked stick up your ass you pompous fucking asshole.

If you knew ANYTHING about Aspergers Syndrome, you would not have wrote such a stupid fuckin' insult.
So there you go, you unloved piece of shit.

... Il take that ban with fries please.

In all honesty, you missed the irony. While JB comes off rude at times I think you totally got him wrong.
In all honesty, you missed the irony. While JB comes off rude at times I think you totally got him wrong.

I got the irony.
Irony does not defend the fact that its still an insult to an entire group of people.
I find it really wierd that there only is a few people that actually reacts to JBroll's elitist behavior on this forum, when he in fact just likes to "dominate" over people to feel bigger.

I don't want to destroy a thread thats supposed to be fun, and I'm sorry for that.
But i still stand for every word i said about JBroll.
Normally, i wouldnt care.
But you can go stick a spiked stick up your ass you pompous fucking asshole.

If you knew ANYTHING about Aspergers Syndrome, you would not have wrote such a stupid fuckin' insult.
So there you go, you unloved piece of shit.

... Il take that ban with fries please.

Oh, whoops, I didn't say anything bad about Asperger's syndrome. What I was bashing was twits with nothing better to do than claim to have serious health problems for attention because it's the 'in' thing. Spend some time over there and everyone and their grandmother has it because they think it makes them cool and excuses their lack of any kind of understanding of human interaction... read more carefully if you're going to flame like that, because I clearly didn't say '12-year-olds who have Asperger's syndrome' and wouldn't have said anything of the sort if that were actually a problem for most of the people on that board who try to play the disability card for sympathy.

Sorry to not have a spiked stick up my ass when it would have made things more convenient for you.
