ITT we post funny pictures...

I got the irony.
Irony does not defend the fact that its still an insult to an entire group of people.
I find it really wierd that there only is a few people that actually reacts to JBroll's elitist behavior on this forum, when he in fact just likes to "dominate" over people to feel bigger.

I don't want to destroy a thread thats supposed to be fun, and I'm sorry for that.
But i still stand for every word i said about JBroll.

(1) Again, read more carefully and you'll see I wasn't insulting people with bloody Asperger's syndrome.

(2) I find it weird that there are a few people who read what I say as a sad attempt at 'dominating' over people to feel bigger and subsequently miss the point of every bloody thing I say. Somehow most people get past that and see things as they actually are. I'm sure it would help if you paid more attention before bashing me, though, as I don't have a problem with you (or most people on the board) and don't fly off on tangents like that very often at all.

Hahaha, while I have no idea what 4chan is or anything else you're referencing, Jeff, all I know is the ORIGINAL dramatic PRAIRIE DOG (not chipmunk) video is still fucking hysterical :lol:

It's an image board that requires you to post as anonymous, which means all the morons can post whatever they please without moderation. Hentai is very popular on that board (creepily). I occasional lurk in /gif/ because despite what Jbroll said, there are funny ones that sometimes pop up. I never felt the need to post there and definitely never will. That's really all 4chan is good for.

Oh and.. NEWS FLASH, HAI GAIZ... did you all know that people have different tastes in humor?!?!?! D:

This thread is suppose to be good spirited. =/
So instead of appointing yourself at regulating my thread, just continue to post pictures that you think are funny. Anything else would be OT in OT, there is some irony for you. To avoid anything in the future, I won't post anymore gifs. Things already did get pretty shitty in this thread and this time 4chan had nothing to do with it.

POST ON :rock: :rock:
People can have their tastes, but clearly if they disagree with mine they're wrong.


And... *your* thread? Hmm...


I wondered how many hits I'd get for Googling "Hitler was framed"... if you, too, have wondered, the answer is 648. However, the fact that a conspiracy theorist out there believes that the Scorpions are in on it...

Jbroll said:
I wondered how many hits I'd get for Googling "Hitler was framed"... if you, too, have wondered, the answer is 648. However, the fact that a conspiracy theorist out there believes that the Scorpions are in on it...

That's just incredible. I've never heard of that concept before, that Hitler was framed. Poor innocent little Hitler.

I wondered how many hits I'd get for Googling "Hitler was framed"... if you, too, have wondered, the answer is 648. However, the fact that a conspiracy theorist out there believes that the Scorpions are in on it...


HAHAHAhahahahah, the Scorpions - as in, the band? :hypno: :lol:
Haha, I don't remember you sig'ing it, Sloan, but I do remember you starting a mirror pickguard appreciation thread with that pic as the opener (and your rap involving your friend's cat :lol: )