ITT we post funny pictures...

This tune rocks! It has rhythm, dubstep and a "proper" Eiffel-65 sounding AutoTune hook. And dubstep. And I just love how the dude that sequenced the song finally went all "k, fuck this" when he got to the breakdown and threw her vocals around without any direction or purpose. And I'd copulate that Tay Allyn chick 'till she went mental! She's exactly like those 24-30-aged broads that answer "EITEEEN" when the camera operator asks what's their age before introducing them to the stunt cock. Fukken' legit!

Trying to read you, oughh, its so tough.

Id kick that slob outta my fuckin truck, let her get a cab somewhere, and move the fuck out.

Thats insane.

Edit: Maybe I WOULD take her to the lake, and hope she drowned.
Lordy..........those 2 tutorials weren't too far off most of the stuff on You[retard]tube, love the jibes at the Beats stuff.