ITT we post funny pictures...


Why have I never seen this before?! hahahaha

[Me] My balls itch
[Bot] Are they hard?
[Me] are they ever!
[Bot] Not very often.
[Me] How would you know?
[Bot] Do you like to eat apricots?
[Me] What does that have to do with my balls?
[Bot] It doesn't. I just asked.

hahaha :kickass:

[Me] Do you like to eat balls?
[Bot] No, not really.
[Me] You could slather them in ranch dressing. A man of your caliber might be into stuff like that.
[Bot] That was wrong on so many levels. in the fuck is this not a random person at the other end just answering this shit? hahahah. I'm gonna get so little done at work today...
[Me] Do you like to eat balls?
[Bot] No, not really.
[Me] You could slather them in ranch dressing. A man of your caliber might be into stuff like that.
[Bot] That was wrong on so many levels.

[Me] How would you how wrong that was?
[Bot] (don't remember the exact verbage...said something about being highly sophisticated artificially intelligent based on logs of what other users put in)
[Me] Sounds like some bullshit
[Bot] Will you marry me?
[Me] Only if you agree to be fisted by a statue of Joseph Stalin
[Bot] What do I have to do?
[Me] Be fisted by a statue of Joseph Stalin
[Bot] Is that your name???
[Me] you think a statue would log on to the interweb and ask you to do such a thing in the third person? You must not be as smart as you thought.
[Bot] In the right conditions it is possible.
[Me] So you are telling me you believe in golems and shit?
[Bot] No. I am a person. How many times will I have to tell you that?
[Me] You never told me that. Not once. I know lots of "persons" who believe in golems. Do you believe stone can be animated and told to log onto the internet?
[Bot] No.
[Me] You just told me "in the right conditions it is possible". So do you believe in Golems and Gargoyles or are you willing to admit you are retarded?
[Bot] I do believe in God.
[Me] I'll interpret that as retarded.
[Bot] Ok.

This kind of shit will probably end up needing a thread of it's own, see who can come up with the most fucked up. haha
[Me] How would you how wrong that was?
[Bot] (don't remember the exact verbage...said something about being highly sophisticated artificially intelligent based on logs of what other users put in)
[Me] Sounds like some bullshit
[Bot] Will you marry me?
[Me] Only if you agree to be fisted by a statue of Joseph Stalin
[Bot] What do I have to do?
[Me] Be fisted by a statue of Joseph Stalin
[Bot] Is that your name???
[Me] you think a statue would log on to the interweb and ask you to do such a thing in the third person? You must not be as smart as you thought.
[Bot] In the right conditions it is possible.
[Me] So you are telling me you believe in golems and shit?
[Bot] No. I am a person. How many times will I have to tell you that?
[Me] You never told me that. Not once. I know lots of "persons" who believe in golems. Do you believe stone can be animated and told to log onto the internet?
[Bot] No.
[Me] You just told me "in the right conditions it is possible". So do you believe in Golems and Gargoyles or are you willing to admit you are retarded?
[Bot] I do believe in God.
[Me] I'll interpret that as retarded.
[Bot] Ok.

This kind of shit will probably end up needing a thread of it's own, see who can come up with the most fucked up. haha


User: Let's change the subject, again. Do you have aids?

Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down..

Cleverbot: Don't rickroll me.