ITT we post funny pictures...

and why is it that you feel the need to call me out on anything at all, much less garnish it with so much hyperbole that no one could mistake as anything other than a "jesse post"?

it's your hallmark, OWN IT!!

First time I've ever seen that said in this forum. To use quotations, you kind of have to be QUOTING someone.

:loco:, now go ahead, go justify your point.. Do a Sneap Forum search just to waste your time and prove me wrong! This all reminds me of Family Guy's old joke regarding drive-by arguments in Europe..

Hey Murph... I DISAGREE! :lol:
No probs. English... Seems easy at first :( yeah. Ermz story... It happened. And it was a sad but funny moment. "sweet, let me jus put my awesome mega comfortable, not dirty grimy and unusable mouse in here.... .... Umm.... Nope! Mac mouse it is" hahahah. I'm paraphrasing of course ;)

yeah, well, i know perfectly well that the plural of "mouse" is "mice"... just wasn't 100% sure if that transferred over from the mammal to the computer peripheral.

and well.. that experience you had is not the norm. most every USB mouse that you can plug into a mac will work exactly as it should.
First time I've ever seen that said in this forum. To use quotations, you kind of have to be QUOTING someone.

:loco:, now go ahead, go justify your point.. Do a Sneap Forum search just to waste your time and prove me wrong! This all reminds me of Family Guy's old joke regarding drive-by arguments in Europe..

Hey Murph... I DISAGREE! :lol:

if i could even understand what you are talking about right now.... i might have a contrary opinion. but i can't make sense of it, so.... sure, why not?

Jus taking a stab dude. That's the problem, English language throws things like that at you. Does this meaning translate across etc. And then little silly things become a mind boggle! So I'd agree on mouses lol. But English doesn't lol. Ridiculous language... Knife... Knee... Fuck :p
Shame about our experience, I'm sure ermins wrist isn't too happy about it :(
Sorry this is in spanish, but I found it funny so I´ll translate below

If web browsers were school students, this is what the teacher would say to them

Chrome: Ok, you´re the first to answer, but your answers are too simple, try to give more detail.

Firefox: Very good answer, but I´ve told you no to eat in class, you´re getting fat

Opera: uh... I´ll ask you another day

Safari: Take off those earbuds and prove you´re not just a pretty face

Internet Explorer 6: Don´t you think you´ve repeated the year too many times? How´s "retirement" sound to you?