ITT we post funny pictures...

fucking slam dancers,,,, dumbest people on earth ,like honestly, they must have no intelligence at all .... i can't express how dumb it is in words!!! it makes me want to go in a slam dance pit with a baseball bat and drop everyone doing it !!!!!!!

Wow, that's the way to deal with stupidity.


oh, seems like I was beat to it
Did this, suck at photoshop.

Ohhhh SHIT! THAT song?! We used to jam that for the LOLZ

One of the worst songs and videos of allllllll time

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Seriously lol'd at the Mac meme (McMeme?):tickled:
except for the fact mac mouses(?) have had two-buttons for years (you can't see them but they are there, clicking left will result in left-click, clicking right will result in a menu... imagine that?)... and never mind that before mac's mouses came with two buttons, you could just go ahead and use any two button USB mouse and get the same functionality... because the functionality has been there for MANY years. in fact apple pioneered the alternate click menu (just as they pioneered the use of a mouse in personal computing to start with... and no, the Park mouse doesn't count, it sucked and never caught on) .... you just had to either hold the Option key while clicking, or use another mouse.... and as i said, all mac "mice(?)" have had two buttons for several years now despite that the case keeps that hidden to the eye

so yeah, if you completely ignore all those things, then sure... it's a McMeme
except for the fact mac mouses(?) have had two-buttons for years (you can't see them but they are there, clicking left will result in left-click, clicking right will result in a menu... imagine that?)... and never mind that before mac's mouses came with two buttons, you could just go ahead and use any two button USB mouse and get the same functionality... because it has been there for MANY years. in fact apple pioneered the alternate click menu.... you just had to either hold the Option key while clicking, or use another mouse.... and as i said, all mac "mice(?)" have had two buttons for several years now.

so yeah, if you completely ignore all those things, then sure... it's a McMeme


It's a funny pictures thread, for christs' sake.

how about that one? familiar eh? and i was replying to text.. not a picture... so, where were you to tell the person i was actually responding to that "It's a funny pictures thread, for christs' sake", eh? or how about all the other dozens of times throughout this thread that comments were made about whether a pic, or comments made in reaction to it, were "wrong", or "fucked up", or whatever? where were you then?

it's a forum "for christ's sake."

how about that one? familiar eh? and i was replying to text.. not a picture... so, where were you to tell the person i was actually resonding to that "It's a funny pictures thread, for christs' sake", eh?

I simply didn't care enough, it wasn't offensive the LEAST bit, and I really had no reason to.

Better question, why do you feel the need to take it so personally, to the point where you're willing to offend whoever disagrees with you, and argue every fucking statement ever made in this forum EVER, just because you disagree with it? I understand that's kind of the point of forums, but Jesus Christ, man. EVERY thread containing even the smallest bit of semi-controversial 'information', you just HAVE to chime in.
and why is it that you feel the need to call me out on anything at all, much less garnish it with so much hyperbole that no one could mistake as anything other than a "jesse post"?

it's your hallmark, OWN IT!!
I simply didn't care enough, it wasn't offensive the LEAST bit, and I really had no reason to.

Better question, why do you feel the need to take it so personally, to the point where you're willing to offend whoever disagrees with you, and argue every fucking statement ever made in this forum EVER, just because you disagree with it? I understand that's kind of the point of forums, but Jesus Christ, man. EVERY thread containing even the smallest bit of semi-controversial 'information', you just HAVE to chime in.

This forum needs LIKE buttons under posts lol. I agree, it's freaking lol thread.... Fucking chill! I mean... If we need to get picky, then it's mice, not mouses ;)
I actually tried plugging my old Logitech Dual Optic mouse into the studio Mac, which has a horribly dysfunctional mighty mouse. It didn't even register. I do believe Melb_shredder was there.

@Burny: Those were glorious. Twilight one is pure class.
ermz, before getting my magic mouse, which i LOVE, i had 3 mighty mouses die. they were a great idea, but the hardware just didn't hold up. thankfully the magic mouse seems pretty damn tough... and with less moving parts, it's far less susceptible to problems. but when my mighty mice died i started using various PC mice that were laying around. a logitech, a Mircosoft, and another i couldn't see a logo on. they all worked great, right away.
No probs. English... Seems easy at first :( yeah. Ermz story... It happened. And it was a sad but funny moment. "sweet, let me jus put my awesome mega comfortable, not dirty grimy and unusable mouse in here.... .... Umm.... Nope! Mac mouse it is" hahahah. I'm paraphrasing of course ;)