ITT we post funny pictures...

No pics but some jokes. Don't get too offended.

I turned to my wife tonight and said, "You know what, I think of our marriage as being just like the World Cup."
"That's sweet", she replied, "You must mean that it has its ups and its downs, sometimes it is thrilling, at other times a boring test of endurance, but ultimately it's something to be cherished."
"No, you fat cunt", I sneered menacingly to her as I grabbed her wrists and marched her forcefully towards the front door, "It's over".

What's black and loud?
Stevie Wonder answering the iron.

I hope they never hold the World Cup in Australia. Imagine all the didgeridoos.

Statistically... 9 out of 10 people enjoy gang rape.

A black man takes a girl home from a nightclub. She says, "Show me it's true what they say about black men".
So he stabs her & nicks her purse.

that was gold

Hipster preset.
Used extensivley this weekend at oxegen music festival it brought the lulz

Guy to girl: "hey wanna play the rape game"

Girl with look of disgust on face: "no"

Guy: "Thats the spirit"

Guy to girl: "Do you know how i know were going to have sex tonight?"

Girl: "No, why?"

Guy: "Because im stronger than you!!"

genneraly followed by a verse of
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Awesome :lol:

On the tongue face pictures I was staring at the first one for so long and when I saw the third I literally loled