ITT We Talk Asian Horror.


Apr 22, 2007

Watching Someone Behind You right now, and it's pretty damn good. Also, never watch Haze; unless you like being drawn out for 38 minutes in blackness for a lackluster ending.
not as up to speed on my asian horror as i guess i should be ... i've seen the eye, a bit of tale of two sisters and the three... extremes-cut of dumplings.

they were all ace as far as the isolated/tense atmosphere, which is something i think american horror movies are definitely lacking, or at least to that degree. from wha i've seen, i am a fan.

will bought me Ringu like a year ago and i'm actually in the mood to concentrate and watch some movies, so i might get around to that one.
they were all ace as far as the isolated/tense atmosphere, which is something i think american horror movies are definitely lacking, or at least to that degree.

yes, for sure, but the majority of the time they wind up being too convoluted to be completely effective. I'm assuming a lot has to do with allusions to traditional culture which I would not be able to pick up on.

A few months ago I saw Dark Water (never bothered with the remake) and the scene in the elevator was omgpooyourpants frightening.
I'm trying to find that one IMDB to no avail. More info?

edit: google saved the day, still can't find it on IMDB though, odd!
I think Sundance Channel plays Asian horror movies every Sunday night (well, technically Monday morning).

Marebito was a pretty strange movie, but I love it
awesome i must say asians make it the win in the scarrier movies but the western movie make a win in the slasher movies

i wonder what movie in the trailer that was with the science fiction looking stuff...if someone knows let me know? i want to see this movie,

also wich movie had that girl with her feet cut off?

...oh asian Horror