ITT you listen to one of the purtiest songs ever

Dick Sirloin

please... stay safe
Jan 6, 2004

"The Herald" - Comus

I was gonna do my reccomendation on them, but 7 or so other people here were in the know already... Anyway, this song is enchanting, much different from the violence of the other tracks on First Utterance. Listen if you haven't already, a masterpiece of dark folk. It's like watching the sun slowly rise over the mountains.
LOL at how it is all the same people who ALREADY listen to Comus posting in this thread.
Is it just me or this sounds like a hippie version of The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath a Cloud?

Which album is that and how do the other songs compare? I might be interested!
Ellestin said:
Is it just me or this sounds like a hippie version of The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath a Cloud?

Which album is that and how do the other songs compare? I might be interested!

Album: First Utterance

It's very twisted & demented folk rock. Kickass 12 string guitar action, some strings, demented vocals....the whole lot. I'll upload "Drip, Drip" for ya.
My skills are increasing with training

Doomcifer said:
I'll upload "Drip, Drip" for ya.

1000 thx. I'm so fucking sold I can hardly believe it. I like when bands manage to create a creepy psychopathic ambiance while playing stuff that is seemingly all flowers and little angels prancing around.