Does anyone on this board have dreads? Pictures of them if so? Are they easy to take care of? If you take them out because they don't look good, will your hair be fucked up? I don't know much about them.
The biggest turn-off on a guy?
I would have thought it would have been something along the lines of epic cock warts of Lemmy proportions.
Come on Karen, why don't you get some dreadlocks going? It would be ho... well, interesting!
bahahahOh it sucked. Not to mentioned that it wasn't one single blow; it was a rapid-fire, combo attack at the speed of light while ninjas surrounded me. I could not move away or throw Will to the wolves. Basically, I was Will's meat shield from the frizziness and the crazed, dreadlocks of doom.
I've been thinking about JUDGE DREDD
I didn't realize they are permanent, so yeah, I'm not going to ruin my beautiful hair.