I've Heard The New Album!!!

Brentney Spears

Feb 5, 2002
Nash Vegas, TN

No, of course it's awesome. Holy shit there's some tasty cuts on this record. I'm on my second listen right now while typing this. Sorry for the lack of updates lately, I was on my honeymoon. Yes mark that off your list of signs of the apocalypse. Me and my beautiful bride Lisa just got back from a week in the Virgin Islands, that's paradise on Earth.

OK Enough about my life and my Pam & Tammy sex videos. The new album is very eclectic. Lots of new sounds for the band. I couldn't play a tambourine but sounds like organs (probably some sort of fucked up guitar) and some real electric fuzzy stuff almost like 70s Who and U2 in places. Some more atmospheric stuff than we've heard before. There's some really fun rock stuff like early Def Leppard without the cheesiness. Great fuckin' rock melody choruses on a couple of songs, shit you'd never expect from Anthrax. On "Nobody Knows" Charlie plays the greatest most progressive drum beat without being drum fill bullshit I've ever heard. All those prog-metal bands can eat Charlie's shit. He rules that song. The song "Black Dahlia" is one of the more brutal tracks Anthrax has ever done. Heavier than Slayer on that one. The song with Roger Daltrey is cool, he does all the backing vocals like Anselmo did on Vol 8. "Superhero" sounds a ton cooler on the album than live. They added a note in the main riff or something and the verses are done quite a bit differently.

What else? There's a few things on this album from the Ghost of Mars sessions it sounds like, none of the major song riffs though. Bush sounds great, best he's sang IMO since Armored Saint's Symbol of Salvation album. Charlie's stepped it up a notch yet again. Some of the songs are over the top with the more Anthrax blast beat sound and some of the stuff's just more basic and solid. "Nobody Knows" literally sounds like a metal song with a drum and bass machine cause Charlie's so fuckin' amazing on that song. It honestly doesn't sound humanly possible to play that beat. That's probably my favorite song because it's the most inventive to me. Frankie's bass sounds awesome. He's got more that Among the Living and some places that P.O.T. real banging bass sound, some cool phalangre (is that the word?, that Cliff Burton stuff) parts I think (sounds like it). Scott's guitar is killer as always, isn't as much in the foreground as it usually is, at least to me. It's almost like the patented Scott buzzsaw crunch is more accent, the main riffs more blend with the rest of the rhythm section. Rob's solos are killer not filler. I'm really not sure which one's he did but they're much more in the vein of Crook or Dimebag than Danny Spitz. Very fast, mean vibe stuff. I can tell Dime did two solos and they're both vintage Dime.

Enough, I'll probably get my ass chewed by the band for letting the cat out of the bag on all this but I know you all wanted to know and I don't have the self restraint to sit on it. I'm not sure if I got the final mastered version with the final track order or not but the album's in the bag and going to press as soon as they get back from Europe and should be in stores in the spring. So it's definitely happening and well worth the wait. My final thought is this sounds more like the album I'd thought they'd make when Bush joined 10 years ago than SOWN. Which is not to say they've gone back in time or repeating what they've done. It's just got that more disjointed song structure of Among The Living to P.O.T. era and less the more melodic-bluesy structure of some the Bush era stuff and the results are very interesting. Very metal, very Anthrax. To put it this way, I've listened to the new Audioslave-Rage thing since last fall and "We've Come For You All" is much better in my humble opinion after only a few listens. And I really like the Cornell-Rage stuff. We'll see what happens and I hope everyone enjoys it as much as I do. I don't know what songs will be singles. Nothing really stands out as pop radio, it's all too metal.



PS - NO I won't burn you a copy or make MP3s so don't ask.

PPS - don't quote me on any of the musical stuff. I don't know anything about instruments. The band will fill you in on everything when the record's out.

PPS - No real criticisms. I really like all these songs and there's usually a song or 2 on every Anthrax record I'm not a fan of. Some of the stuff is like trying to take in a beautiful landscape at 90 mile an hour and some of the riffs sound like stuff I've heard before but I need to give it more listens and Tony Iommi and Jimmy Page wrote every riff in metal anyway so who the fuck cares. And there's no rapping.

Glad to hear it sounds so awesome!!! I can hardly wait....for the love of God, more than a year between recording and release:mad: :mad:

Oh well..I will survive I think!

Congrats Brent on your marriage. Best of luck!!
Me too!!!

NOW! NOW!!! NOW!!!! NOW! NOW!!! NOW!!!!NOW! NOW!!! NOW!!!! NOW! NOW!!! NOW!!!!NOW! NOW!!! NOW!!!! NOW! NOW!!! NOW!!!!NOW! NOW!!! NOW!!!! NOW! NOW!!! NOW!!!!
"Black Dahlia" is heavier that Slayer ??? It's hard to believe but I trust you... Thanks anyway Brentney. Can't wait the new one...
The Black Dahlia vocal is really fast and scary. It reminds me of some 80s punk / hard core song but I can't place it. Kinda sounds like Ministry maybe, but different too. It's pretty damn wicked song. Fast. Very Fast. The U2 comparrison is just to the Edges guitar chops, not Boner.