Ok, I heard the promo CD for "We've Come For You All"

Simmer dow naw.

If some of you's guys download the new Anthrax, be sure to purchase the album, if you like it. If you don't like it, don't buy it. Sharing is not a crime.
But don't download the music, burn it, enjoy it, and think you're cool for having a free new Anthrax CD.
Napster and the other sites are made for us to sample music. If you download some music that you love, then BUY THE FUCKING ALBUM!!!
Just remember, when you're listening to "What Doesn't Die" on your MP3 player, and you're fucking loving it, don't forget to go to the music store and purchase We've Come For You All.
If you like Anthrax music and you don't buy their CD, how the fuck are they gonna keep their fucking day jobs?
Sampling music from Kazaa or Morpheus is cool. If you like what you download, pay for the music you like!! If we do nothing but download music for free, the music industry will die! And we'll have nothing to even download.
I'll be buying at least one copy for me, plus maybe a few more for gifts for friends (if they don't like it, fuck'em, at least I'll have something to listen to whenever I come over :grin: )

But in the meantime, I WANNA HEAR SOME NEW THRAX!!!!
First off, I am in no way against downloading music. I think downloading is fine as long as the person still goes out and buys the album if they like most or all of the album they did hear through downloading. The same with leaked songs when the album hasn't come out yet. Still, you should go out and buy this new record when it comes out. I want Anthrax to keep making metal for years to come, and if all their shit is downloaded and no one buys it, they wont make music anymore I am sure. I know there are people that love what they do for a living and are rewarded greatly for doing it, both monitarily and because it gives them a sense of satisfaction. Lets go and support Anthrax because of their great talent so they can continue to make kick ass metal!
I have no problem dloading shit from bands that have no talent or are already multi millionaires, but I figger Anthrax needs all the support they can get so I may sample one or two songs off of Kazaa, but I will be first in line to buy the CD when it comes out (unless I buy the Jap version first)
i follow that rule too. if ya wanna hear the album before it comes d/l but buy the album. i did that with the last couple of in flames and haunted albums. but when they came out i buy the damn albums!!! i do so i can show some kinda support for yhe artist. but for the love satan send me fricking songs!!!!!! me email address is on my profile but its at aol man. send me those songs. arggggghhh!!!!!!!
Man, I've never seen so many men and women creaming and nutting in their pants, Settle down, the album will be here soon... Me, I think listening to the album before it comes out ruins the suspense. When the album comes out, i'll already know what to expect. I'm waiting and not giving in...
hey my wu,i still wanna know how u got hooked up to even listen to the record!!!

record label contact etc give me some answers to back up your story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if u had respect for the band,what a crok of shit man u had no drama in listening to album u hypocrite
Alright, I normally try not to jump in, but considering the 90 hour work week and the Guinness buzz... I'll tell you this...


They put everything into this record, and its gonna reward every fan that has waited since Vol. 8... trust me.

Everyone on the board always talks about a street team (myself included), but now is when we really have to stand up and shout.... posters, stickers, whatever. These guys bust their ass for us, we should do the same for them. Regardless of what people may think about the Black Album as being a "commercial" vs. "metal" Metallica album, this album blows that out of the water. This album will kick everyone's ass... repeatedly.