I've just realized the brilliance of Symph X. Now, are the 1st two albums...


Jan 20, 2002
"the flower & willow world"
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I got V about 2 years ago and liked it but didn't see what all the fuss was about. I recently listened again, and it all made sense! Anyway, I now have the last 4 albums (not including the live disc) and all are brilliant.

Now, are the 1st two worth owning?
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I have to buy the first as soon as possible.
Damnation game is definitely worth getting.

Looks like I'm going to be the minority (so far) in this thread and not show a hint of love for the s/t debut. Personally, I can't get past the horrid singer and equally horrid production, but IF (that's a big if) you can get past those....some of the songs are ok.
The bottom line is that you REALLY have to love Symphony X to enjoy the first album. And by "love Symphony X," I mean "love Romeo and fellow instrumentalists," because Russell isn't on it. However, The Damnation Game is very good (particularly the first three songs).
Damnation game is definitely worth getting.

Looks like I'm going to be the minority (so far) in this thread and not show a hint of love for the s/t debut. Personally, I can't get past the horrid singer and equally horrid production, but IF (that's a big if) you can get past those....some of the songs are ok.

Agreed. I absolutely loath the vocalist and "Shades of Gray" is a terrible atrocity.
Agreed. I absolutely loath the vocalist and "Shades of Gray" is a terrible atrocity.

I actually get a kick out of "Shades of Gray". :lol: It's so bad that it's entertaining. I like the guitar solo and some of the keyboard parts for the sheer cheese factor.

The vocals and the lyrics are definitely an all-time low for the band, though.

The vocals are the worst part about the album. The production is poor compared to their later releases, but I've heard worse. The worst part of the sound quality comes with the layered vocals, because it's just compounding the bad. :ill:

An interesting parallel between SX and Dream Theater (which are often compared but actually very different most of the time) is that they both have first albums with a bad singer and weak production. This can probably be said about various bands, but there's something somehow very similar about the relationship of both bands' debuts to their later works.
Am I the only one who loves the first album just like any other Sym X disc?
Nope. A Lesson Before Dying is on my list of the few songs which I can actually connect with on a level deeper than "Wow, these lyrics are awesome." Not to mention that it's just an amazing song.
I haven't heard it, but I've heard that's it's nothing great. Still, I want it if only to complete my set.They've continued to get better andbetter throughout their career, which makes it hard to fully appreciate all their albums when the first that you hear is something like Twilight.
I love the S/T. It's the rawest and most progressive of their albums. Though i admit that the queen-like power metal choruses with Rod can get a little tiresome.
I think The Damnation Game is a terrific album and has some great Symphony X material on it.
S/T on the other hand, I bought it second hand and sold it back to where I got it from very shortly after buying it. I tried to like it but I just could not get past those horrible vocals, I could usually try and ignore the vocals but this time around they were just so grating. Avoid that album, but definately get The Damnation Game.
You're not the only one Mr Fast. I really like the first album. Songs as Thorns Of Sorrow, The Raging Season, Taunting The Notorious, Absinthe And Rue are great. Imagine with Russell on vocals it will be a great album.