j/k with the other thread guys, this is the real black metal thread

Ignore the people who recommend later Enslaved, Ulver, Dimmu, etc. This music does not capture the "essence" of BM and is not representative (which is what we are seeking here).

If you are new to BM and want a decent glimpse at what it has to offer I would recommend the following recordings:

Emperor- In the Nightside Eclipse
Burzum- Hvis Lyset Tar Oss, Filosofem
Immortal- Pure Holocaust
Darkthrone- Under a Funeral Moon, Transilvanian Hunger

(For something more recent)
Averse Sefira- Tetragrammatical Astygmata
Leviathan/Xasthur split
To be honest, I think the best way to "convert" someone to liking black metal is not by giving them Transilvanian Hunger and saying, "Here, this is a great classic black metal album. Enjoy!" It's probably easier to give them something like Enslaved that has a little more to do with what they already like (obvious example: prog metal) with black metal influences or sections. I know that when I first tried to get into black metal by listening to some Immortal, Darkthrone, etc., it probably turned me off for longer than if I had built up with something like Enslaved. I still don't really like "tr00" black metal actually. In fact, I pretty much leave it out of my music diet altogether.
I do, however, listen to quite a few progressive/avant garde black metal bands. It seems the less it has to do with black metal, the more I like it.
I just might never see the greatness that is black metal. :rolleyes:
^Exactly. People can recommend tr00 stuff all they want, but what bothers me is the arrogant idea that it is a superior form of music. Anyway i won't argue about this shit anymore, all this bullshit gave me a big headache, plus i'm starting to look like a moron arguing 'bout the same idiocy over and over again *slaps self*
^Exactly. People can recommend tr00 stuff all they want, but what bothers me is the arrogant idea that it is a superior form of music. Anyway i won't argue about this shit anymore, all this bullshit gave me a big headache, plus i'm starting to look like a moron arguing 'bout the same idiocy over and over again *slaps self*

Much better for the arrogant sense of superiority to be derived from the belief that being 'open minded' about music somehow makes you a better person. Isn't that right, Pot?
I don't see anyone claiming anything is superior to anything else. I see someone asking for black metal recommendations and someone giving black metal recommendations with a preemptive note to disregard recommendations predictable to this forum due to their popularity such as later Enslaved/Ulver albums because they aren't black metal. why is this so hard to understand?

edit: not @ SoG
To be honest, I think the best way to "convert" someone to liking black metal is not by giving them Transilvanian Hunger and saying, "Here, this is a great classic black metal album. Enjoy!" It's probably easier to give them something like Enslaved that has a little more to do with what they already like (obvious example: prog metal) with black metal influences or sections.

You may very well be right about best "converting" people- but thats not what I was concerned with. I was responding to the thread's opening question of what BM bands are "good". My suggestions were to introduce a fair-minded listener to recordings that I, and many others, think are among the best. I certainly didn't anticipate the hyper-defensive jewish mom freak-out that followed.
To be honest, I think the best way to "convert" someone to liking black metal is not by giving them Transilvanian Hunger and saying, "Here, this is a great classic black metal album. Enjoy!" It's probably easier to give them something like Enslaved that has a little more to do with what they already like (obvious example: prog metal) with black metal influences or sections.

It's hard to guess what will actually resonate with a given person, though.
^^ True.

^ True as well.

edit: neither of the statements I just made in this post are sarcastic, but I'd just like to point out the fact that acknowledging that someone has a good point is a much better way of ending an argument if you seriously want it to end than going on and on with weightless insults.
Living Colour : Vivid

That is Tr00 Evol BLACK metal for you n00bs !

Any people who takes black metal's ideology ( if there is such a thing) seriously even a little bit should be sentenced to travel back to time with the Doc and his Do Lorean to assit to their own abortion.

That is all.

P:S : Dimmu Borgir is an excellent band with great riffs, atmosphere and musicianship. Their goofy evil image I could care less.

P.P.S : And Enslaved should learn how to produce, engineer and record their music. They have done like 9 albums and their albums still sound like a 1987 demo ... Lame. These guys have clearly ideas but they fail miserably at expressing them.
i highly recommend following albums as great examples of latest black metal (in a wider sense of this term) mastery:

Negura Bunget - OM
Secrets Of The Moon - Antithesis
Lunar Aurora - Andacht
Wolves In The Throne Room - Diadem Of 12 Stars
Helrunar - Frostnacht
Deathspell Omega - Kenôse
P:S : Dimmu Borgir is an excellent band with great riffs, atmosphere and musicianship. Their goofy evil image I could care less.

P.P.S : And Enslaved should learn how to produce, engineer and record their music. They have done like 9 albums and their albums still sound like a 1987 demo ... Lame. These guys have clearly ideas but they fail miserably at expressing them.
Lmfao at saying Dimmu Borgir is excellent and Enslaved fails miserably :honestopinion:
Satyricons "Shadowthrone" to me is the best representation of black metal. dark, evil, agressive, nordic, melodic, fast, both clean and growling and has truly grim sound overall.
P.P.S : And Enslaved should learn how to produce, engineer and record their music. They have done like 9 albums and their albums still sound like a 1987 demo ... Lame. These guys have clearly ideas but they fail miserably at expressing them.

I agree, I love their music but sometimes would really like the hear what Enslaved with excelent production sounds like. Enslaved with the Opeth depth of production and quality would just be mind blowing.