j/k with the other thread guys, this is the real black metal thread


Still Writes in Crayon
Feb 20, 2003
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please keep all meandering philisophical and/or pseudo-intellectual drivel to oneself. use that other wreck of a thread


I can get into a lot of different kinds of music, but one genre I still don't *get* is black metal. Whose good on the black metal scene, and what makes 'em good?

(Don't drop the Agalloch bomb; IMO that's more folk metal than anything else)
Ignore the people who recommend later Enslaved, Ulver, Dimmu, etc. This music does not capture the "essence" of BM and is not representative (which is what we are seeking here).

If you are new to BM and want a decent glimpse at what it has to offer I would recommend the following recordings:

Emperor- In the Nightside Eclipse
Burzum- Hvis Lyset Tar Oss, Filosofem
Immortal- Pure Holocaust
Darkthrone- Under a Funeral Moon, Transilvanian Hunger

(For something more recent)
Averse Sefira- Tetragrammatical Astygmata
Leviathan/Xasthur split
Black metal has been disgraced enough with these threads and the shit that pollutes them. O and Justin S we weren't born yesterday, you are far far behind on your recommendations.
who gives a shit if an album "captures the essence" of black metal. ill listen to music if its good, not if its labeled "tr00" black metal or not.
there's nothing barring the discussion of later Enslaved/Ulver/whoever albums. feel free. Justin's point is that albums like RUUN are hardly black metal, because they aren't. it's like recommending Opeth in a discussion on death metal. yes they can be relevant to dm discussion, just like later Enslaved can be relevant to bm discussion, but they're both so far off on a tangent that it wouldn't really make sense to use them as representations of either of their respective genres (e.g. S<issors asking for recommendations)
Shining's III: Angst, Sjalvdestruktivitetens Emissarie and IV: The Eerie Cold are probably the best two black metal albums I have recently found out about. Very highly recommended.
derbeder, check out Silencer - Death, Pierce Me. It surpasses any Shining albums when it comes to sheer negativity. That being said, III and IV goes HIGHLY recommended, as derbeder already said.
derbeder, check out Silencer - Death, Pierce Me. It surpasses any Shining albums when it comes to sheer negativity. That being said, III and IV goes HIGHLY recommended, as derbeder already said.

thanks. i will check it out.
Black metal has been disgraced enough with these threads and the shit that pollutes them. O and Justin S we weren't born yesterday, you are far far behind on your recommendations.

Most of the people asking for recommendations of this sort were, in essence, born yesterday. They're young kids who didn't have the chance to hear everything coming up, so now they do need historical perspective as a guide.

Besides, unless given reason not to, why would you ever do anything but recommend the best available albums?