Black Metal... why?

indeed. AC is spouting on about things he doesn't know about ambient and imaging and i can't be arsed to explain things to him. I think he should do a little bit more research on sound imaging before making retarded statements like ""Changing volume and pitch" is what creates the illusion of soundspace - it's certainly the primary technique of ambient artists." lol. big lol. So many things you don't even seem to realize exist, let alone understand. It's like that time he thought he would inform me about drone music, of which he has next to no knowledge about. Guys like him and Justin just don't concede and it doesn't even matter how little they understand, yet somehow they manage to piss people off enough to actually pay attention to their bullshit.

I'd really like now for both of you to tear me apart and show me how i'm just too dumb to understand what you're talking about. Not too interested in replying anymore though. i'm obviously just wrong anyway.

There's nothing to know about drone, because it doesn't really exist. It's just ambient music no different than any other ambient music. It's like pretending that 'viking metal' is a real genre, rather than a pretension adopted by some black and death metal bands.

Bottom line: ambient music is beatless in most cases and rhythmless (in the same sense as chant) in many - pitch and volume are its ONLY features, so they are by default the means by which the illusion of space is constructed. One wonders why you continue to denigrate a technique integral to the music you supposedly love.

But I think the answer is obvious: you don't really know anything about ambient or any other genre beyond a list of bands you've ganked from NFU, who, despite his direly awful tastes, has at least actually listened to the bands he namedrops.
wait a you guys are critics, but you don't even read the does that work? lil red star, you commented on read it, didn't you? *tickle* *tickle*
Cute with the ad-hominims. Spelled out just for you: Speaking for myself, I read enough to conclude that reading any more would not serve any point other than wasting my time. If you'd like to do real philosophy, I'll start reading/contributing again. That however requires a higher regard for logic and the construction of arguments, rather than appeal to authority, equivocation, other common fallacies, and lest we forget, the ad-hominim attacks that neither further your purpose nor make you appear very capable. Good day.
If you'd like to do real philosophy, I'll start reading/contributing again.

i don't know much about real philosophy. scan through some of the arguments, find a topic worth debating, and lay down the framework. i apologize if i don't know real philosophy, but i do say things for a reason. i feel very strongly about subjects of this nature, and enjoy talking about them.
There's nothing to know about drone, because it doesn't really exist. It's just ambient music no different than any other ambient music. It's like pretending that 'viking metal' is a real genre, rather than a pretension adopted by some black and death metal bands.


Bottom line: ambient music is beatless in most cases and rhythmless (in the same sense as chant) in many - pitch and volume are its ONLY features, so they are by default the means by which the illusion of space is constructed. One wonders why you continue to denigrate a technique integral to the music you supposedly love.


But I think the answer is obvious: you don't really know anything about ambient or any other genre beyond a list of bands you've ganked from NFU, who, despite his direly awful tastes, has at least actually listened to the bands he namedrops.

Ffs, this thread turned into absolute shit when JS and AC started posting.

In other words, when the conversation stopped being a backslapping circle jerk among the mouthbreathers, you lost interest.

Pity, but then again, you're a fucking idiot, so it's hardly surprising.

Music isn't all about philosophizing about how large your e-penis is, fyi.

Because, as we all know, talking about music in language more complex than Rockin' like Dokken is useless philosophizing.

The basic problem here is your limited comprehension, which is your cross to bear, kid.
i don't know much about real philosophy. scan through some of the arguments, find a topic worth debating, and lay down the framework. i apologize if i don't know real philosophy, but i do say things for a reason. i feel very strongly about subjects of this nature, and enjoy talking about them.

Real philosophy need not involve the arguments of Socrates et. al. In fact, I deplore people who constantly appeal to others to think for them. However, debate should follow rules, such as if your premises for thinking X is true are faulty, then you should not expect people to believe X to be true. Further, direct personal attacks serve no intelligent purpose. As well, if you are arguing that X is true, you had better have good reasons for thinking such, and clearly state them. You should be prepared to consider any objections to those premises. And so on...

My point here is, Justin S. and AC are using verbose language to pretend to be philosophers, without actually achieving any constructive debate, as clearly seen. HENCE my comment that there's no point in even reading this steaming thread.
Real philosophy need not involve the arguments of Socrates et. al. In fact, I deplore people who constantly appeal to others to think for them. However, debate should follow rules, such as if your premises for thinking X is true are faulty, then you should not expect people to believe X to be true. Further, direct personal attacks serve no intelligent purpose. As well, if you are arguing that X is true, you had better have good reasons for thinking such, and clearly state them. You should be prepared to consider any objections to those premises. And so on...

---My ground for X isn't true. If it is, there is no point in arguing. if my ground for X is shaken, i learn. i can then adapt, and form new premises based on what i have learned, and where i would like the argument to go. too much structure is a block.

My point here is, Justin S. and AC are using verbose language to pretend to be philosophers, without actually achieving any constructive debate, as clearly seen. HENCE my comment that there's no point in even reading this steaming thread.

---its constructive to me. in fact, the last few pages of this thread are the most constructive that i have seen on the opeth board in a long time. concerning me and justin's debate, it is pretty iffy. we are pretty much dancing around definitions of the word symbol. but, in doing so, it has opened up several avenues for discussion.

Real philosophy need not involve the arguments of Socrates et. al. In fact, I deplore people who constantly appeal to others to think for them. However, debate should follow rules, such as if your premises for thinking X is true are faulty, then you should not expect people to believe X to be true.

Leaving aside the questionable utility of linear logic, wouldn't someone, you know, have to actually demonstrate that the premise is false? As it is, the established pattern is that Justin and I advance a premise, then you or mumblefood or perhaps chubbs drop in, and assert (without accompanying documentation) that the premise is false. When asked to actually provide some sort of evidence, you respond with some variation of "Music isn't philosophy/You're just pretentious/Oh noes, big words!" and declare victory.

That's not debate, that's a toddler stuffing his fingers in his ears and holding his breath.
so the other day I was eating ice cream

(ya know, just trying to stay on topic here. wait... what's the topic again?)

so yeah, black metal... how 'bout that black metal... it's very black... grim... cold... like ice cream
If thinking is not to your liking, by all means, don't read my posts or respond to them.

lol and here it is, the typical Justin S ''i'm fucking absolute truth incarnate'' behaviour. Dear Christ, now if you complain about his self-absorbed verborrhagic crap he will say that you don't enjoy ''thinking''.
Fact is, we must gag on his cock and tell him how much his long-ass fallacious rants are eloquent and utterly important to mankind...and worst of all, he REALLY thinks that he is big fucking shit, none of us need further proof.

Edit:This forum is getting fucking worse and worse everyday, i usually don't bitch about this but...this place is simply not very amusing anymore.
Fact is, we must gag on his cock and tell him how much his long-ass fallacious rants are eloquent and utterly important to mankind...

Or, you could simply engage. So far, you've demonstrated that you'd rather wank on yourself. I'm amused at how much you internalize what I write.

BTW, I started the "gagging" phrase over someone who is truly arrogant.
o great, some random faggot sayin i'm shit, too bad you are not creative or funny or anything, your av, your jokes, everything about you is completely embarassing, homo

edit: you try too hard, still you fail at trolling, douche
so the other day I was eating ice cream

(ya know, just trying to stay on topic here. wait... what's the topic again?)

so yeah, black metal... how 'bout that black metal... it's very black... grim... cold... like ice cream

What flavor would black ice cream be?

By the way, this thread should close. No one is really considering the other side's arguments. Each party is adopting a positional (I believe ambient is ..... therefore I should argue that point) rather than principled stance, and in their stubborn attempt to dominate neither is going to be convinced either way. LISTEN to each other people. There's no shame in being wrong - and if you are you've only gained something. Anyone simply dumping their views on another isn't gaining shit.