j/k with the other thread guys, this is the real black metal thread

ROFL!!! :lol: I'll bet you typed that reeeeal fast. I'll bet your panting over the keyboard right now! Run Forest, Run!

I'm well aware that my opinion isn't the only one which counts, which is why I take Crimson's, and a few others opinions seriously, and view yours and everyone else as... well, a steaming dog turd.

And wouldn't you know it, pictured below, my god its... your opinion!


shit post
Dunkelheit, the first song from Burzum's Filosofem album, got MTV airtime when Vikernes started his sentence, as did a number of Norsk Black Metal bands at the time. Just goes to show you can kill people and yet people will lap you up on telly even afterwards...
I think I can agree with you on the marketing for sure, but we can't blame the artists for that. It sounds like you refer to Century Media's marketing of Borknagar's "Epic" album in particular, and I can recall that they did push it pretty hard.

C'mon, I've certainly never heard any objections from any of the "artists" involved in regards to this!

I think this group of peopl does have a place in black metal related music today, but certainly not in the annals of pure Black Metal itself. The standard of their work is high, and we can't ignore that.

This is where I'll have to disagree. It has a high standard in terms of competency, but it is completely derived of any other values. It has no soul, in other words, although I hate that term. I guess it would be better to say that they have no musical integrity, anymore, after continuously diluting themselves through rock star livestyles, etc (I could tell some stories about Vontersorg, for instance).

As for their personalities - well, I guess I'm not in your position of course, so its an apples and oranges kind of thing really, but at the end of the day, I judge their music. If I did otherwise, I wouldn't have any Absurd, Burzum, Emperor, Drudkh, Kroda, Kataxu etc etc.

Of course, fair point! But, you need to check your premises, my friend! There are two kinds of assholes in this context. There is type A: The guy who shoots a thirteen year old boy, then proceeds to put his tombstone on his album cover, with no other intention other than to appear cool and provoke his family and tear open their wounds every time they lay their eyes upon it. (Absurd) Then there is type B: Axl Rose (Vintersorg).

Now, disturbing as this may sound, type A may actually draw some inspiration from his repulsive actions, and his music may be better for it. In a sick sense, his actions has spirit. Now, type B, is a soulless parasite, who cares for nothing but decadence and depravity. And the music suffers for it, as is evident.

Am I exaggerating? Sure, but you get my point.
I find it so funny that people here make a case that bands like Dimmu, Borknagar, Arcturus and Vintersorg have no soul and intergity behind their music and all they care about is being a rock star. Well maybe they prefer more "commercial" type of metal, like the metal they grew up listening to... I highly HIGHLY doubt that they are making their music just to get on TV or ride a limo, no they are just as deeply involved in their craft as the uber-underground black metal band next to them, they just dont enjoy the rock n roll side of it, which isnt wrong. I myself looooove music and would much rather play guitar in front of 20,000 people than 10.

But the reason people are sound wound up on their credibility is because they came from a scene that was supposed to be super underground and only meant to be understood by 12 people. Well bands and people grow, whether you thin they are true or not, dont matter, more people like their music and that just points out the fact that their music is good.

But I wouldnt make a case against some of the more "commercial" metal bands from the north based on your opinion of them having soul or not. Thats your opinion and has no credibility to the fact that is their music good and what they do good. I can relate to these bands, I love dark underground music most likely just as much as the next dude, but I also love good old rock n roll, if I would of pursued the music future I would definetly be making music in the real of bands like Dimmu and Arcturus, and I definelty consider myself to have soul and passion.
A GIRL! *forumers gather like dogs to a dropped hamburger* ;) :) ;) so how are you what's how's it going who's how's your ;) what's your how's your i'm jeff jerry john ;) how's your what's
i'm currently under investigation.

fuck goddamnit why did i quote hubster's post. everytime i open this page i see a turd. and so does everyone else. and that's exactly why i'm not editing the picture out, you assholes
it looks fresh, yet at the same time it looks like it's already began rusting. that is a very refined, burgundy-crested turd