j/k with the other thread guys, this is the real black metal thread

2 things:
1: It's Dimmu Borgir. You really should have known what you were in for.
2. Who buys Mp3s? I'm all for actually buying music, but buying digital music? I see no value in that.

1. tr00. But, sadly, I have to admit that I had some what mid-level hopes for this album, mostly towards hearing Simens' clean-vocals, and Hellhammer. Unfortunatly, Simens' vocals weren't as far up to par as I thought they would be, as with Hellhammers drumming in the same sense.

2. Cheaper then an actual album (the album itself isn't set for the U.S. until late April/Early May anyway), hence why I purchased it for $2.00 instead of $20.00 to, unfortunatly, hear Shagrath sound like he has a bleeding goats dick in his mouth.
Ill defend Dimmu here... But to start of I dont think they are a black metal band necessarily, they were with their first 2 albums but then moved away from "true" black metal. NOw I guess you can call them satanic metal or just metal, who cares anyway what sub-genre they fit into...

But I myself love Dimmu Borgir, I just take them as a good metal band. I listen to anything from Opeth to Emperor, Taake to Children of Bodom, Darkthore to Lamb of God... Im just a big metal fan. But Nordic metal is the first priority for me. And Im not in the midst of some inner battle whether to listen to a commercial metal band or keep it true by listening to a band that releases their albums still from their garage.

But Im just really finding it funny all this Dimmu sucks posting on every forum I visit (granted there are plenty of whom love their music). But people spend so much energy hating them just because they feel like people want to consider Dimmu true or what not. Its not about that, its just plain metal. And as a metal band, they play their music dam well. Its not like Dimmus around parading that they invented black metal and are the only ones left holding the throne. Those guys grew up listening to hard metal of the 80s, which was just as bombastic and theatric as Dimmus music. So just give up the hate on the band and listen to your own true hardcore black metal band, and feel good that by listening to that band you are being unique. It would suck if the whole world suddenly started listening to Beremegrothgaar (that polish satanic uber dark black ambient drone metal band that you and your friend Tom only know about)

I put my metal sings up for Dimmu and pretty much all metal bands, I dont give a f**k whos true and whos not, Dimmu to me is black metal and so is Burzum, plus they are both metal and damn good.
I've said it before and I'll say it again:

Hellhammer, Vortex, Garm, Vintersorg and that whole bunch of PUSSIES are absolutely WORTHLESS. Everything they do is SHIT, and only sonically challenged black metal newbies find any value in the excrements they pass off as music. They are the scourge of black metal!
I've said it before and I'll say it again:

Hellhammer, Vortex, Garm, Vintersorg and that whole bunch of PUSSIES are absolutely WORTHLESS. Everything they do is SHIT, and only sonically challenged black metal newbies find any value in the excrements they pass off as music. They are the scourge of black metal!

C'mon mate, that's not true. They're not flawless, but they all have made some excellent music over the years, not to mention important.

If anything, I wish
- Hellhammer and Vortex would do something a bit more "real"
- Garm would go and make a real black metal album again
- Vintersorg would go and do something which involves less falsetto.

"Melechesh is a black metal band that originated in Jerusalem, Israel. Ashmedi started the band as a solo project in 1993. In the following year, guitarist Moloch and drummer Lord Curse were added to the line-up. The band's goal was to create a type of black metal incorporating extensive Middle Eastern influences mainly based on Mesopotamian/Sumerian and occult themes (both musically and lyrically); the band invented the title "Mesopotamian Metal" to best describe their type of metal."

Next time do your research before posting stupid shit.

Oh i did do my research, read up a few interviews and articles and they will claim that the people who label them as 'Israeli metal' are wrong. Don't tell me to do my research when you should be doing yours.

and really, you should add imo to the end of all your posts.
^Stop being such a pussy. it is a online metal forum. Suck it up!

C'mon mate, that's not true. They're not flawless, but they all have made some excellent music over the years, not to mention important.

Important? How?

And they may have made some decent metal the last decade, but my problem lies in how they market it as if they are last bastion of "true black metal", and in how their fans actually seem to agree! They are not innovative, they are not "avant garde", and they are certainly not black metal! If anything, they have released some catchy metal tunes, added a few pounds of pretentiousness and marketed it as black metal's third coming. It is sickening.

Also, I would like to add that I have met most of these guys in person several times, and they are all obnoxious dick heads with a rock star syndrome. Especially Garm.
^Stop being such a pussy. it is a online metal forum. Suck it up!

Important? How?

And they may have made some decent metal the last decade, but my problem lies in how they market it as if they are last bastion of "true black metal", and in how their fans actually seem to agree! They are not innovative, they are not "avant garde", and they are certainly not black metal! If anything, they have released some catchy metal tunes, added a few pounds of pretentiousness and marketed it as black metal's third coming. It is sickening.

Also, I would like to add that I have met most of these guys in person several times, and they are all obnoxious dick heads with a rock star syndrome. Especially Garm.

some of them have even been aired on MTV!!!!
bullshit bullshit etc

You really need to away from these kinds of discussions: the most you post the more idiotic you get and the more you prove that you actually don't know anything. The only bands you ever talk about is commercialised diluted garbage, and you rarely offer any kind of analytical input which bears any substance in context of black metal. Everyone knows Melechesh are not Israeli metal, this is an important factor in the bands' history and has been mentioned in countless interviews. Stick to your Nightwish forum kiddo.

Now, back to business.

Important? How? And they may have made some decent metal the last decade, but my problem lies in how they market it as if they are last bastion of "true black metal", and in how their fans actually seem to agree! They are not innovative, they are not "avant garde", and they are certainly not black metal! If anything, they have released some catchy metal tunes, added a few pounds of pretentiousness and marketed it as black metal's third coming. It is sickening.

Also, I would like to add that I have met most of these guys in person several times, and they are all obnoxious dick heads with a rock star syndrome. Especially Garm.

I think I can agree with you on the marketing for sure, but we can't blame the artists for that. It sounds like you refer to Century Media's marketing of Borknagar's "Epic" album in particular, and I can recall that they did push it pretty hard.

Without a doubt, said artists are now producing almost post-black metal, but not in a post-rock context. They've definitely moved away from pure Black Metal roots (one only needs to listen to Borknagar's self titled album in comparison to Epic, or Vintersorg's Till Fjalls in comparison to the Focussing Blur to make things obvious).

I think this group of peopl does have a place in black metal related music today, but certainly not in the annals of pure Black Metal itself. The standard of their work is high, and we can't ignore that.

As for their personalities - well, I guess I'm not in your position of course, so its an apples and oranges kind of thing really, but at the end of the day, I judge their music. If I did otherwise, I wouldn't have any Absurd, Burzum, Emperor, Drudkh, Kroda, Kataxu etc etc.
ROFL!!! :lol: I'll bet you typed that reeeeal fast. I'll bet your panting over the keyboard right now! Run Forest, Run!

I'm well aware that my opinion isn't the only one which counts, which is why I take Crimson's, and a few others opinions seriously, and view yours and everyone else as... well, a steaming dog turd.

And wouldn't you know it, pictured below, my god its... your opinion!

You're such a fucking hero, Hubster. I have so many better things to fucking do on here than deal with such a narcissistic, narrow-minded prick as yourself. Now i shall get back to listening to my 'shit commercial' or whatever you bloody called it music. Sonata Arctica ftw :kickass:

next up i think i might listen to some Nortt or something, coz i have really shit taste in music coz im a kid and know nothing about nothing :D