

steak(knife) no more
Jul 3, 2002
What do yous think about Jamies arrival in the band?
It was nice to see the old basslines played properly for once :rolleyes: at Graspop and he deffo aint a poser.
Nice one J but I need me bass back soon!:mad:
He came on for sleepless in dublin..most welcome

I think he even had a bit of dandruff dispersal going on too, which was nice.
cheers out to jamie for his performance at graspop! it certanly wasnt easy for him to go up infront of 10,000 people after 11 years! im glad that his in anathema now, his certanly the right person for the job, the right mind, and a true musician! oe.
Originally posted by Bambi
He came on for sleepless in dublin..most welcome

I think he even had a bit of dandruff dispersal going on too, which was nice.

yeah, I remember the Dublin gig. George was beggin me to get up and do some of the old stuff but I'd been drinkin Bulmers all day and would have made an even worse twat of myself than usual:cry:
J was also a great t-shirt seller, could easily work on Greaty market!:lol:
so you're duncan then??

he he he when I was buying a tee I remember thinking "that bloke behind the counter just looks like yer man duncan....how odd. And hes signing an autograph too...most peculiar"

Mind u i was pissed :)

Bulmers?? eeecchhh I can't smell cider without feeling sick...had too many snakebites one night many years ago... :(
Originally posted by Strangelight
What do yous think about Jamies arrival in the band?
It was nice to see the old basslines played properly for once :rolleyes: at Graspop and he deffo aint a poser.
Nice one J but I need me bass back soon!:mad:

as said before: the three cavanagh musketeers!
one for all - all for one ;)

yay I loved to see them play :D
Originally posted by Bambi
so you're duncan then??

he he he when I was buying a tee I remember thinking "that bloke behind the counter just looks like yer man duncan....how odd. And hes signing an autograph too...most peculiar"

Mind u i was pissed :)

Bulmers?? eeecchhh I can't smell cider without feeling sick...had too many snakebites one night many years ago... :(

Aye, I live in Westmeath nowaday! Dunno why I started drinking cider over here but I just got into it. I enjoyed that gig cos there was a weird atmosphere and no support band. Are you from Dublin then Bambi? I pop into Fibbers from time to time:eek:
it were a good gig alright .....from what I remember :O
theres a guy from Cork who posted here with good quality bootleg of the gig if annyones interested

Yup I'm from dubbalin alright. Westmeath eh??....not a bad place, a shame its full of them meath spud gobblers tho :D

I have'nt been in fibbers in yonks, is it even still called fibbers?? ,I used to drink in a boozer right across the road so we used to fall in there at the end of the night..and usually get thrown out a little while later :)
you guys remind me of that joke i heard some months ago :

- where do irish families go in holydays?
- to a different pub

nah...families shouldn't be allowed in pubs in the first place

reminds me of a black adder gag..

edmund: "well done baldric you deserve a short holiday"
(five seconds pass )
edmund: "did you enjoy your holiday baldric?"
Jamie ruled! (sorry to take the thread back to the original topic ;))
I hope he appreciated the support we gave him, but it was proof for the fact that we thought he did it very well, I guess.

Go on mate!

And if you consider him being a real METAL fan, I guess the next album will be ROCKING again :)
Both my sisters live in ennis...I was just talking to one of 'em on the phone about feakle last night and oddly enough years ago she worked in the clare heritage centre where all that family tree stuff is researched. So your grandfather wrote "the garden where the praties grow"?? he musta been pretty famous in his day. You ever been down to clare?? its jammed with musicians, mostly trad..definitley one of the best counties to visit.Better than Cork annyways eh flosskki??

Duncan probably bought a country estate in westmeath with all the royalties. thats what all them rock band types do innit??:)