Jaska's double-bass !!


Listen to Fear Factory, Zyklon, or newer Dimmu Borgir
Those are double bass masters

And hell yeah, Jaska's drumming happens to be the first thing that drew me to Children of Bodom.
He definitely deserves some praise, which I doubt he's had lately..

here's to Jaska
Jaska's very awesome at double bass playing...I wouldn't call him the master at it. but still, nonetheless very good :kickass:
I like drummers to mix it up; if EVERY song is all out double bass it can be boring, but hearing some(or more than some :D) on an album is always good; especially when you watch 'em play it live. :D And let's face it; I am indeed a sucker for a good double bass riff. ;) Like any instrument, diversity is the key. If someone only hit three chords on a guitar the whole time and did one solo, no matter how fast, it'd get old, too.

But yeah, Jaska is up there on my "top drummers I love listening to" list overall. :D
§tygian Apothegm said:
raymond herrera is better.
As a matter of fact, in my opinion, Raymond Herrera has always (and still is) THE master of the double kick.
I don't think anyone else has the control or the creativity that he has.

Unlike the other drummers that I rank up there, Raymond doesn't just blast away all the time, he comes up with all sorts of unique and creative riffing with his basses. Fear Factory is one of the only bands where, for the most part, the drums actually drive the music and ultimately shape the song as a whole.. the guitar is usually there to accompany Herrera.

Dude, I just recently saw a video with a nice shot of Herrera live at the last few seconds of the song 'Demanufacture' and it's fucking insane! He goes buckshit!
He's like a possessed Mexican drumming cyborg.

NP: Fear Factory - Zero Signal :heh:
MagSec4 said:

Listen to Fear Factory, Zyklon, or newer Dimmu Borgir
Those are double bass masters

And hell yeah, Jaska's drumming happens to be the first thing that drew me to Children of Bodom.
He definitely deserves some praise, which I doubt he's had lately..

here's to Jaska
agree on this. Jaska is fucking amazing double bass drummer, but listen to Nickolas Barker (ex Dimmu Borgir) or Derek Rhoddy (Hate Eternal, Nile)...those are called double bass masters! :notworthy
