Jaska's double-bass !!

Actually, for a few more double bass masters...Zarthon from Tidfall hits 'em faster than Barker IMO(I'm not a big fan of Barker-his new stuff at least, as I don't like how his drums sound like tin cans anymore; however in Cradle he was quite cool, much better drum sound. I loved his work on Dusk and Her Embrace and Cruelty.) Another overlooked but VERY fast double bassist is Vitek of Decapitated; the dude was 15 when he was drumming as well as people twice his age. Some of the stuff on Negation is mind boggling. I love the technical drumming of Nihility but they did have a bit of an electro sound to them. Of course, I can't leave out Inferno of Behemoth; listen to the CD Thelema.6 and the double bass on that is...it's hard to describe, but most ask if it's a drum machine. :D Of course, where would I be if I didn't give a shout to Frost and Hellhammer.

But again, I agree that Jaska does need some more recognition. The drum solo floored me. :D
Just spoke about that coz he use it most of the time ...
And at a fuckin' high tempo, most of the time 220 beat per min !!!
But it's absolutly true that the ex-CoF, ex-Dimmu Borgir drummer is the one on double-bass !!! Awesome ..
Did u see that wonderful movie of Progenies Of The Great Apocalypse ? Just after the clean vocal parts there's double-bass spasm that drives me mad =)
(btw, try to dl the uncensored version, lots better)
silver incubus and spritcrusherX, you guys are absolutly right.

and if anyone says the drummer of meshugga can compete with jaska i'll personally come to your house and rip off your balls
bloody_trooper said:
silver incubus and spritcrusherX, you guys are absolutly right.

and if anyone says the drummer of meshugga can compete with jaska i'll personally come to your house and rip off your balls
that's my boy :D

@hearse: i once thought that nick was THE extreme metal drummer

then i found out what triggers are :p

and then, i just think he's a fat fat bastard :lol:
then i found out what triggers are

and then, i just think he's a fat fat bastard
I'm not against triggers; most drummers use them anymore, and I do really like the nice crisp sound they give the drums. However, there's a difference between "triggers" and "making your drumkit sound like a set of Folgers coffee cans". :D Barker has gone overboard. He didn't use em as strongly in Cradle...
Fenrir13 said:
I'm not against triggers; most drummers use them anymore, and I do really like the nice crisp sound they give the drums. However, there's a difference between "triggers" and "making your drumkit sound like a set of Folgers coffee cans". :D Barker has gone overboard. He didn't use em as strongly in Cradle...
have you seen him playing live? he barely touches the drumkit :p

for me, triggers live are DISGUSTING.
I call them "drum gamesharks" :lol: :p
im not saying that ALL trigger use is cheating
Triggers are pretty helpful if you don't have the money to make several takes on a recording, and on live shows they may add effects and all

i'm just saying that LOTS people uses them to simply capture every little pressure and make a "boom" sound, therefore making things a LOT easier, and therefore removing lot's of effects that a "natural" drumming would have

Nick is one example :p
yea triggers arent cheating but many dumbasses like nicholas barker take advantage of them... he is the most over rated drummer ever though his work on dusk and her embace and cruelty and the beast was pretty impressive i think he has just gotta lazy over the years and doesnt think he has to put out full effort because people have already heard him trying. i despise that stupid fat bald blob so much
Tut Ankh Amon said:
have you seen him playing live? he barely touches the drumkit :p

for me, triggers live are DISGUSTING.
I call them "drum gamesharks" :lol: :p
Oh they are NOT disgusting.
They regulate the strength (thus the sound consistency, which is a good thing for it makes a cleaner sound) But the precision, timing, and speed are still up to the drummer, and these take a lot of skill to be mastered. Not having to worry about how hard you hit the pedals makes room for really awesome techniques and sounds that would just be next to impossible to do otherwise.
(But of course, I'm just a sucker for a certain level of percussive violence in my music)

Varoa: I completely understand Fenrir's argument about Barker, although I disagree (I do like the drum sound in the last 2 albums and how it accompanies the music overall) but I don't understand what you're getting at about him being 'lazy' now. Please explain.
Also, you say he takes advantage of the triggers.. well if he chooses to use them then they're there to be taken advantage of.. otherwise ..why use 'em?
And lastly, I'm not arguing that he's a drum-god or the best at it.. but would you honestly say that the drummer of ..blink 18whateverthefuck, or korn, or even Lar$ Ulrich.. are more talented than Barker? If anything, in the overall scope of things, they are some of the people who are truly overrated.

And on a side note I do agree that drummers like Arch Enemy's, CoB's and some of the lesser known extreme metal bands', like those pointed out by fenrir, need a bit more recognition.
In my opinion, it is drummers like those of Pantera and the such (more famous 'classic' bands) who are overrated and fail to compare in sheer talent.
@magsec: dude, i play drums and i can tell you, triggers don't "activate" any kinds of techniques. If you get a good drummer, he can play everything with or without triggers.
It's all about practising and having enough leg power to do so. Some people have it, some people don't. But if a drummer is REALLY a master of double bass, there's nothing he can't do that a drummer that uses triggers does.

I can say that because people have already asked me if i used some kind of triggering for doing things that are shit for me to do on the double bass, like doing triplets as fast as my bassplayer can do them (and belive me, he can do them fast as hell) and make them as hearable as full hits. And i'm a pretty much mediocre drummer.

It's all about practising. A *MASTER* of bassdrum can do anything he wants to without having to use triggers, that's my point.

and i should point it again: i didn't say ALL drummers who use triggers live can't play, i just said MANY of them uses them ALL the time making things that are TOTALLY possible for good drummers that don't use them, because they are lazy :p

@hearse: well, i didn't say nick parker sucked because he uses triggers, if that's what you thought i did :p
so just re-read what i said and see it was just a joke to call him a fat bastard :p
Hearse: You know.. that's pretty much what I said. I agree with you with basically everything you said. (I don't know, it kind of seems like you're arguing with me, but I might be wrong :P )
Notice I italicized: 'in my opinion'
and I don't claim to know every drummer out there, in fact, I haven't really heard Hellhammer (I'm sure I did, but I don't remember much of it) So I'll be checking them out.

Hearse said:
I don't think drummer like Vinnie Paul (pantera) are overrated, since he really have talent and his way of using double bass is unique. Also I don't see all the people praising vinnie to be worlds best drummer, so why you think he is overrated (magsec)? Is he overrated if one/few mentions him when people talk about good drummers?
I think not.
Well I say that because I DO hear him mentioned very often in this context, which may pleasantly surprise you

Yanko: I understand. And what I said is that it allows you to put aside one thing and be able to focus more* in others (like speed and timing and endurance)
It's simply a tool.. to me it's not a big deal whether you use it or not, and I can actually tell if they're being used or not for the most part.

*more than you usually would, no matter how much of a super master you are