Jaska's Drumset


May 11, 2007
Does anyone know what Jaska does to his bass drum to make it sound so killer? I'm a drummer and I would like to get as near as possible to that sound...Thanks

P.S. Pantera's drumset also sounds quite the same...
I think I know what you're saying,so I'll try to give advice:try to thighten the tuners of the patch until it's surface doesn't move down when you push it,and get a double patch or something similar(I think this is the most important part).I don't know if this will help,but jaska uses evans and remo patches,so if you've got money give it a go,bun I don't know if this will really help(if not at least you'll have an awesome patch,LOL).oh,and hit the bass drum with strength,not only touching it softly while you play.this changes a lot the sound.

PD:sorry for the specific names of parts of the drums.my mother languaje isn't english and I don't know much about this names.
I think I know what you're saying,so I'll try to give advice:try to thighten the tuners of the patch until it's surface doesn't move down when you push it,and get a double patch or something similar(I think this is the most important part).I don't know if this will help,but jaska uses evans and remo patches,so if you've got money give it a go,bun I don't know if this will really help(if not at least you'll have an awesome patch,LOL).oh,and hit the bass drum with strength,not only touching it softly while you play.this changes a lot the sound.

PD:sorry for the specific names of parts of the drums.my mother languaje isn't english and I don't know much about this names.

kk thanks for that advice, my heads are already pretty tight but im going to buy some good ones pretty soon...
His drum must be triggered to have that sound but there're many other factors for having a good bassdrum sound, like a good tuning, the tension of the skins and the quality of your bass drum.
His drum must be triggered to have that sound but there're many other factors for having a good bassdrum sound, like a good tuning, the tension of the skins and the quality of your bass drum.

Also, it's how you practice. It's great when you've got all that, but without practicing it won't work anyway. The thing is, is that I once played triggered and once not, triggered is better, so I go with you ;)
Today I saw a man on workshops who makes drums and he told me what makes the sound special, and you can't believe, there are many many thing who make this special sound! And one thing , i'm studying sound engeneering and i tried recording drums and it incredeble what we can dou whit digital gear... so i think there is a lot of money to spend before getting your own top sound....

His drum must be triggered to have that sound but there're many other factors for having a good bassdrum sound, like a good tuning, the tension of the skins and the quality of your bass drum.

No triggers. Not live or studio. I don't remember what the mic used for recording is but for live we use an Audix D6.

He does nothing special with the tuning, he uses standard beater pad, and hard beaters.
:erk:I cant believe how noobish that first post was. I've learned a lot since about drums. Obviously i know wat triggers are now but how can Jaska have no triggers? If you listen to the start of bodom beach terror you can obviously hear that he has to have them. A normal bass drum could never have that sound without the help of triggers.