Jaska's Drumset

I had been wondering who K-Man is for a long time now but i found him in the Blooddrunk booklet(Special thank's part) so i drew conclusion he must know the band somehow...:lol:

Edit: Sound guy,eh?

...and you never bothered check out his Myspace. Now I feel rather stalkerish because that was first thing I did when K-Man told he knows Alexi :lol:.
Well first off, this should be off topic. So... Jaska's drums. They are round.

OK... I am very fortunate to have the job I do. I have worked with shit loads of bands, but none have been like working with COB.

But don't think for a second that this shit is easy. Hard work for both band and crew. It's not doing the brick thing, but it is far from easy.

But for real, we should move off topic. and let this guy get his drum thing on.

And thanks valkokukka. "stalkerish" no, you just know how to read. ;)
Fuck I wish! Nope, just your average everyday broke sound guy. :)

lol...dude do you have like a certificate..and is it hard to be a sound man like i totally listen to sounds and all that but when you have to get the exact sound must be dude hard..please do reply
lol...dude do you have like a certificate..and is it hard to be a sound man like i totally listen to sounds and all that but when you have to get the exact sound must be dude hard..please do reply

First off. Jaska plays with sticks! (we are still of topic. If some one want's to yap then start an off topic thread, this my last post here out of respect)

Second. I do the stage sound for the guys, but I normally (other bands) do front of house, which is what you guys hear. It is all hard and it it needs to be a talent or skill you have in you (sounds funny or fucked but, it is the truth.) Trying to explain what we do is impossible. We just do.
jaska uses pearl drums :)

\m/ ok ok dude thats sounds cool but fuck hard i saw that pick of you ad in the background like the worlds biggest EQ rack ZOMG ..must have some AWESOME SUPER RIDIC TELANT damn..i was thinkin of beingasound guy as a profession cause i was getting getting to involve in this musix lol and i was thinking of a form of profession to get a paycheck but yet still be part of the music...also dude after this ZOMG ZOMG lol XD you raelly have something with you lol