Jeff Buckley Love.

I don't like the idea of Brad Pitt playing the role of Jeff but well... maybe he was chosen because he likes Jeff? [that's what I've been told, that he's a big Jeff fan], well, doesn't have much to do with it perhaps but who knows...
Jeffs Mother is totally into selling rare Buckley stuff for drug and alcohol related charities.....hmm....donate the movie sales?
I dont care if Brad Pitt played Jeff.....he is actually a decent actor.....if it was made I would go see it....period.
Well, the thing is, it's apparently Brad Pitt's idea to be making this film in the first place. Seems like his heart is set on it (this is just from what I read once - can't remember where.) He'd be like, producing it and starring in it. So yeah, it seems to me he's into Buckley.

But the mother was against him playing her son for whatever reason. But maybe she changed her mind?

I really don't mind Brad Pitt, either - but he isn't exactly the greatest actor that's for sure (I had wished he do a better job than he did in Troy). And somehow, I just cannot picture him playing as Jeff. But then again, to compare; Anne Rice was against Tom Cruise playing Lestat - said there was no way he's right for the role or could pull it off. Turned out she admitted how wrong she was, and his role as Lestat was perfect. And dammit, I agree with her. So yeah, who knows how things can work any luck, it could happen for the Buckley movie. *one can only hope*
Jeff Buckley's freaking awesome!

themourner13, you're right. Katatonia should cover those two songs. They're definitely my favorite JB pieces. In fact, 'Forget Her' was my official 'Last Song of 2006', because I was trying to do just that.

Favorite JB songs (including covers):

Dream Brother
Forget Her
So Real
Lover, You Should've Come Over
Corpus Christi Carol
Lilac Wine
Last Goodbye
The Sky Is a Landfill
Everybody Here Wants You
You & I

Simply amazing stuff. He's made such an impression on me that he's even affected the sound of some of my own music -- at least, I think he has. Of course, I can't sing anything like he could. =\

yeah, last goodbye is just a great song.... specially this one line hehe:
"You know it makes me so angry cause i know that in time I will only make you cry, this is our last goodbye"....

sad indeed...

One of the great things about Jeff Buckley is that his songs have amazing lyrics... Definitely a big attraction. Much like everybody else said, I love his voice... So endearing.
I told you I will cover "Lover, you...", but today I played another song Jeff did, and chose to record this one, especially for the forum members *surprise surprise*
Excuse me if it's not perfect it was one live-take.

:OMG: Um, dude...that was, geez, where do I even begin? Magnificent? When you first begun to sing, off the bat I thought it was Jeff...later, you could clearly tell the difference, but wow ya made it your own. It's a worthy cover man.
I was worried you might butcher it, but I'll be damned, you CAN actually sing. It was a pleasant surprise. I'm afraid this is the first I have heard of you - you in a band at all? You should be, with a voice like that.
Oh whow! I have to admit I didn't know that song before... so guess it's time to check out the original, but your cover is so hauntingly awesome ... [as always ;)] ... and your intro words... *ahahaha* ... I just lov'em *g* ... teh awwnezz(c)! <3

@Alcapoth: take a closer look at his sig. and you'll find at least 2 bands he's in ;) and since it seems you haven't heard anything from Unicorn lately, you should definitely do a little research on this board and check out his Katatonia-covers :D
I told you I will cover "Lover, you...", but today I played another song Jeff did, and chose to record this one, especially for the forum members *surprise surprise*
Excuse me if it's not perfect it was one live-take.

Absolutely fabulous! :cool:
Too bad it doesn´t really fit with Elane (IMHO), otherwise you could use it as cover-version on the next CD. I like it even better than the Cat-Stevens-song.
Too bad it doesn´t really fit with Elane (IMHO), otherwise you could use it as cover-version on the next CD. I like it even better than the Cat-Stevens-song.
Which Cat Stevens song? :loco: ... and yes I agree... this one wouldn't fit with Elane.
I personally think we should start some "Vote for your fave song to be covered by Markus"-thing *hrhr*... not on this board though ;)
Exactly! :D That's such a good idea!

I'm gonna search for my old english pence to giv'em to you *hehe* ... maybe I have enough to make you cover a whole album! *harr* ...
...Unicorn the musicbox ;D