Jerry, you fucking faggot, get in here...

Original English Text:
royal carnage

Translated to French:
carnage royal

Translated back to English:
royal carnage

Translated to German:
königliches Massaker

Translated back to English:
royal massacre

Translated to Italian:
massacre reale

Translated back to English:
massacre real

Translated to Portuguese:
massacre real

Translated back to English:
real slaughter

Translated to Spanish:
matanza verdadera

Translated back to English:
true slaughter

That's so metal.
Original English Text:
royal carnage

Translated to French:
carnage royal

Translated back to English:
royal carnage

Translated to German:
königliches Massaker

Translated back to English:
royal massacre

Translated to Italian:
massacre reale

Translated back to English:
massacre real

Translated to Portuguese:
massacre real

Translated back to English:
real slaughter

Translated to Spanish:
matanza verdadera

Translated back to English:
true slaughter

That's so metal.

Hahaha awesome.

Where the fuck is the jerry?! I am blind without him!
Folkefiendar: they never drug test supervisors for some reason
Folkefiendar: yes
Folkefiendar: cause i'm gay
Folkefiendar: I suck so much dick they don't drug test me
Berube 684: cuz u have tyehe mexiacnas gie it to u up th eass, no reprecdussions or they go back to medico
Folkefiendar: hahaha
Folkefiendar: dude
Berube 684: im addcited
Berube 684: f'real
Folkefiendar: to me?
Folkefiendar: I know
Berube 684: yea
Folkefiendar: I'm addicted to me aswell
Berube 684: i love u man
Folkefiendar: I know
Folkefiendar: I'm just that fucking sexy
Berube 684: i wanna lixck ur face
Folkefiendar: and suck my cock with my balls slapping your face?!
Folkefiendar: I KNEW IT!
Folkefiendar: FUCK YEAH!
Folkefiendar: ANYWAY! switching to vodka now!
Berube 684: ill shovbe ur balls in ky ashole and start running
I'm drinking a cranberry and stoli vodka right now... just ain't right without jerry force feeding it to me while a group of Singaporeans play in front of us.

Original English Text:
Royal Carnage is full of butt fucking ass clowns.

Translated to French:
Le carnage royal est plein des clowns foutus d'âne de bout.

Translated back to English:
Royal carnage is full with the clowns foutus of ass of end.

Translated to German:
Königliches Massaker ist mit dem Clowne foutus des Esels des Endes

Translated back to English:
Royal massacre is full with the Clowne foutus the donkey of the end.

Translated to Italian:
Il massacre reale è pieno con il foutus di Clowne l'asino

Translated back to English:
The massacre real it is full with foutus of Clowne the ass of the

Translated to Portuguese:
O massacre real está cheio com o foutus de Clowne o burro da

Translated back to English:
The real slaughter is full with foutus of Clowne the donkey of the

Translated to Spanish:
La matanza verdadera es llena con el foutus de Clowne el burro de la

Translated back to English:
The true slaughter is full with foutus of Clowne the donkey of the
That place is great. thanks Guthrum!
A note:

If indy loses tomorrow, and Stallworth doesn't get a TD, the blame for the loss of my 80 bucks between 3 (one football pool, and 2 fantasy leagues) bets gets blamed on Ken.