Jesus Gibson, Mel Christ, Whatever the Hell er-- Heaven (Earth, whatever)


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
JayKeeley said:
I tell you something really weird about the actor playing Jesus Christ in The Passion. His name is Jim Cavieziel (sp?) and I first saw him in The Thin Red Line. There's this scene where he's about to die at the hands of Japanese foot soldiers, and he acts out the stillness of that moment just perfectly. Fucking brilliant film. Anyway, in that instant, I leaned over to my wife and I said, "look at his eyes glazed over like that, like an angel, he could play Jesus".

So what happens? His next film is with J Lo called "Angel Eyes", and now here he is playing Jesus in "The Passion of Christ".


So what in the god damn, anyone going to see this movie? I hate to say it, but I'm reverting to 14 and being rebellious for petty reasons. I was pretty excited to see this film when it had all the controversy surrounding it, but now that it's become a beacon for the modern Christian to flock to, my interest is at near zero. I was hoping for something like The Last Temptation of Christ or even Jesus Christ Superstar where you get an excellent movie, and piss off the moral majority at the same time, by using their own tactics!

So is this the Charleton Heston Religious Movie of the modern generation? Will this be seen on network TV every Christmas just like The Greatest Story Ever Told in 50 years?
I'm not too excited about seeing this one. Looks like a rental to me.

But I've read many reactions on UM, and they make me laugh. The immature ones are bashing the movie, not because it was bad, but because of their biases against Christianity. It's almost like they made up their minds before they walked into the theater.
I'm going to see it tomorrow. Regardless of religious beliefs, it should be a pretty interesting film and Gibson's a great director.
i just noticed that the actor playing jesus also has the initials JC. like, woah.
I have zero interest in the christian propaganda of a raving lunatic.

"It's just real great that instead of talking about politics, everyone is now talking about religion." - guy next to me in bank line yesterday
Put it this way, I will definitely go and see this film because 'the Jewish heads' are screaming it's an anti-semite film. The other thing is that Mel Gibson is great Actor / Director and I'm sure this film (even though religious) will certainly turn a few heads.
So when they were making this film, there were reports that the dialogue was going to be completely in Aramaic, Latin, Hebrew etc - in other words, no English whatsover. Is that still true? I'd be interested to see how that works, considering Mel Gibson insisted on no subtitles...

Also, have you read the reports of Mel Gibson's father talking about the Jews? That man is a closet Nazi!!! He even denied the holocaust.

Speaking of which, I'm surprised nobody picked up that I'm selling Kristallnacht for $5. It goes for $20 on eBay. Dreamlord? :loco:
JayKeeley said:
So when they were making this film, there were reports that the dialogue was going to be completely in Aramaic, Latin, Hebrew etc - in other words, no English whatsover. Is that still true? I'd be interested to see how that works, considering Mel Gibson insisted on no subtitles...
From what I hear, there is no english, and it is subtitled. I read something funny the other day (I wish I could find the source, but I can't) that the language is very inaccurate in that greek was what was being spoke in that area at that time. Also, the latin that is used is horribly pronounced to a point where people who can speak latin can hardly understand it.

Also, have you read the reports of Mel Gibson's father talking about the Jews? That man is a closet Nazi!!! He even denied the holocaust.
Heard the actual audio of the interview on Stern this morning. The man is insane, and I highly doubt the apple fell far from the tree.
bloodfiredeath said:
Heard the actual audio of the interview on Stern this morning. The man is insane, and I highly doubt the apple fell far from the tree.
Yeah, it's all about Melvin pleasing daddy at the end of the day - that's what Stern said a few days back. Apparently, you're supposed to come out of the film completely sympathetic towards the Christians and full of hatred towards Christ's killers, the 'Jews'.

What other films did Mel Gibson direct, other than Man Without a Face and Braveheart?
I thought Mel Gibson brought realistic violence to the forefront of popular movies in Braveheart. I don't really know that he will do anything like that with this movie, but I still think his attention to detail makes his movies better than average. I'm just a HUGE Braveheart fan, though.

I'll probably go see this movie just to see what all the controversy is about.

By the way, I saw Mystic River last weekend . . . GREAT movie. Clint Eastwood is an AWESOME director. The acting done by every actor/actress in that movie is WAY above average/great. It's sort of a modern-day Shakespearean tradgedy.

I also rented Swimming Pool . . . HELL YES! Titties for about 50% of the movie. Awesome titties too.
npearce said:
I also rented Swimming Pool . . . HELL YES! Titties for about 50% of the movie. Awesome titties too.
Yes but that scene where they smoke pot and the old English bird starts to dance made me cringe to the point of vomitting up my entrails like that chick in City of the Living Dead.
I've heard Passion is gory to the point of making people vomit. One scene in particular I read about was Jesus getting whipped, but the whips had metal spikes on the end, and one of the spikes ripped the flesh and exposed ribs or something.
Hmmm... maybe I should get some friends together and we should go see it as if it were a horror movie. I wonder how long it would take for four dudes totally hammered to get kicked out of the movie for hooting and hollering for gore? I'm starting to like this idea...
bloodfiredeath said:
Hmmm... maybe I should get some friends together and we should go see it as if it were a horror movie. I wonder how long it would take for four dudes totally hammered to get kicked out of the movie for hooting and hollering for gore? I'm starting to like this idea...
Man, I should do that too. Nothing better than mobbing a theatre with 15 of your closest drunk friends. We did this for Spike and Mike's Sick and Twisted Festival of Animation Incorporated Midgets a few years ago, it was great.

Did you hear about the woman that died while watching this film? It was right when Jesus's's's was crucified apparently. I'll bet dollars to donuts her soul zoomed straight up to heaven after that little stunt. :loco:
and you are the same people who were bitching about people being loud in theaters?
No, I think that was just me. :loco:

The one movie I did that in everyone else was having a loud fun time anyhow.