
If I could afford to stop being an independent operator (aka handyman) I'd go find a job at a sex shop tomorrow. Or any niche retail job honestly, like maybe a local hobby shop.

Sick and fucking tired of tiling houses or fixing roofs in the sun or any other damn job I get. Landscaping is the one area I actually don't mind dealing with and it is great to be your own boss, set the schedule and set the price of labour.
We know Krow works for an oil company or something.

The company I work for does containment pretty much exclusively. We will also do landfill work and whatever else might require plastic lining or stand up water tank to prevent contamination.

I do a bit of everything, from truck maintenance to deliveries to leading crews out on the job site (which I specifically hate) I’m also certified to operate a lot of heavy equipment like front end loaders, telehandlers, skid steer, whatever.

The job has its shitty days especially in the summertime but I catch a lot of days that I do next to nothing at all. Oilfield companies have such deep pockets, paying you 10+ hours overtime to sit and wait doesn’t really bother them at all.
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I'm a teacher--currently a graduate teaching fellow, but I taught community college before starting my graduate work. I'm on the job market this season, but we'll see if anything comes up. Might take more than one stab, and academic jobs are only posted certain times of the year, which makes it kind of annoying.

Will suck cock for two or three bucks depending on size.

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I’m a field services technician for one of the big telco companies here. Been doing it for 10 years now. I install internet, phone lines and very rarely cable tv to homes and some businesses. I also do a shitload of fault calls and escalated faults when the slack arse knuckle dragging techs can’t fix stuff.

It’s a reasonably rewarding job that pays well and I work alone, which rules. I wake up in the morning, log on to see what work I have, and plan my own route. The only time I see other people I work with is at a team meeting once a month or when I go to the warehouse to get stock. I have my own business and sub-contract to a company that looks after the work which is pretty annoying really, I pay my own wages and tax and have to save shitloads of money to have a holiday as I don't get any income when I don't work.

I really don’t think I could ever work in an office environment without losing my mind. Some customers are dicks but most are happy to have me there installing or fixing things. I often get given beer, wine or food from appreciative customers because I’m one of the guys who actually takes a bit of pride in my work and gets a warm fuzzy feeling from helping people out.
Special education ELA and Social Studies self contained 7th grade teacher. My class maxes out at 12 students, but I literally have kids that can’t read to ones with criminal records. I ain’t afraid of no kid, though, which is funny because they all think I’m super sweet until they hear my big ass mouth when they start shit. It’s nice that I have a total of 24 students but I typically give parents my number and it sorta sucks because the 188 days I work, it’s complete work. Parents think I’m their Co-parent, but you really need them so I take what I get. I complain about my job but my students (well my homeroom class at this point) are doing much better and they really are full of pleasant surprises (and random penis drawings though they spare me and just do that in math class instead).
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I'm a materials coordinator, but since it's not the big 3 my duties bleed into general supply chain management too. It's a bit of accounting from a purchasing standpoint, building bills of materials, keeping up on quality standards, and a whole lot of efficiency charting. The latter is probably my favorite part, I've designed about 5 formulated spreadsheets that are used throughout our two Michigan plants. Currently I'm back and forth between the office and the floor, so I do a lot on the computer with minimal human interaction amidst skilled tradesman verifying tooling and machinery details. I like the gray collar vibe, I report to our director of operations and she's basically Captain Janeway. Once I finish metallurgy classes I'll have a much more scientific role.
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Hated being sat down all the time, became a fencer for a bit, said fuck you to the sun and did dry lining for two years, wanted more money and didn't really want to be doing physical shit all day every day (although I spent most of the second year 'supervising', i.e. reading, but whatever) so am becoming a surveyor. Probably stick with doing stock condition sorta work until I get chartered. Had initially planned to go towards conservation work but will probably just go wherever the money is. Buildings don't have to be old to be cool, anyway.
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I work as a buyer in the bulk department at a health food store. Pretty much what I do is order large bags of grains, nuts, snacks, dried fruits, etc. and either have someone repackage it or put it out in bins. I really don't give a shit about health food but the job is a nice mix of mental and physical work and some of the people I work are cool.
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Special education ELA and Social Studies self contained 7th grade teacher. My class maxes out at 12 students, but I literally have kids that can’t read to ones with criminal records. I ain’t afraid of no kid, though, which is funny because they all think I’m super sweet until they hear my big ass mouth when they start shit. It’s nice that I have a total of 24 students but I typically give parents my number and it sorta sucks because the 188 days I work, it’s complete work. Parents think I’m their Co-parent, but you really need them so I take what I get. I complain about my job but my students (well my homeroom class at this point) are doing much better and they really are full of pleasant surprises (and random penis drawings though they spare me and just do that in math class instead).

24 students total?! That must be amazing. My smallest class is12 which is a bottom set and my top set has 31. I have 8 classes (plus a tutor group) which makes marking an absolute pain. In an average day I see over a hundred students!

My tutor group wanted to know what music I listen to so I played them “Maze of Torment”. They were horrified!
I teach English (10th grade) and a philosophy elective (11th and 12th grade) in a small public school. I absolutely love it. Like Phylactery said, the work is endless and your students/work are always on your mind, but it is so freaking worth it when you see one of your kids make a big jump intellectually or personally, or when you see your kids get into Stanford or Cal when no one else in their family has even gone to college, or for that matter when you see a kid that struggled for years graduate. I also love the challenge of intellectually engaging a wide range of personalities and learning styles. I need constant intellectual stimulation, so the fact that each student has his or her own needs and each class has its own complexion makes it endlessly engaging for me. I have to say I am lucky to work with a great staff and principal and know it can be a much different situation with a different climate. I have a lot of freedom over curriculum, which has allowed me to create some dope assignments for English and create a philosophy curriculum that most people would say I am crazy for teaching to high schoolers.
I teach 8th graders Geography in a shitty neighborhood on the east side of Las Vegas. It is lucky year number 13 and I am happy to report that this has been the best year of my career. The kids are cool this year which helps tremendously. I've been doing this long enough that I have my procedures down and my lessons planned, and I don't spend too much time working outside of contract hours. It helps that the principal of my school doesn't give a shit what we do as long as parents don't complain and we don't send a lot of students up to the office for minor bullshit.
My tutor group wanted to know what music I listen to so I played them “Maze of Torment”. They were horrified!

Well of course they were. You can't just bring out the habanero salsa to people who've been going their whole lives eating nothing but plain white bread with a glass of water on the side for dippin'.
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