joey sturgis pod guitars TACT

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How do Tact?

How do rotate this man o_0

joey has said many times that he does nothing magical/special at all to his geet tracks. usually diamondplate, i think, in pod farm, the podxt is just a dongle, dual tracked, not quad. edit tracks tightly, EQ properly, play with the knobs in podfarm and you (and anyone else) should be able to get similar results. for guitar, anyway.
Criticize away. I don't care about that....I just found it hilarious that you were telling a dude that is successful at his craft.... what he should be doing? that's all...

No, I just don't see how his album sales make him untouchable as far as criticisms go. I'm one of those dudes who doesn't like to have arbitrary people placed on pedestals before him. If you want to lick Joeys nuts, go for it - he posts on here in the first place because he wants to get better as a producer, not have people praise him all day.
No, I just don't see how his album sales make him untouchable as far as criticisms go. I'm one of those dudes who doesn't like to have arbitrary people placed on pedestals before him. If you want to lick Joeys nuts, go for it - he posts on here in the first place because he wants to get better as a producer, not have people praise him all day.

how many sales is enough?

i have a arbitrary number....

and for the record, to everyone who's worrying if i'll make it when the pod tone extreme dies out, don't fret...

if my intern can put two mic's in front of a cheap-o mesa and get a good tone, im sure i could do the same when the time is right. for now, im more concentrated on refining my techniques as a producer, and honing my editing skills. eventually i probably won't have to engineer anything anyways.

im honestly not that worried about it. everything's still in the "small time" realm with my clients. there's really only a hand ful of bands who have gone far enough to even start getting concerned about tone methods.
you producing skills/talent got you where your at not the engineering IMO, though your mixes always sit fucking perfect. and tone is subjective to a point

i think its your producing that got you up to where you are, you come up with so many fucking great stuff to make alot of these bands just flat out epic

fucking great job
i see nothing wrong with a producer having a signature sound
i can hear a joey mix a mile off, and its never really a bad thing
id love to hear joey do loads of different sounding mixes n shit, but as well as that i completely respect that he's honing his current sound to utter perfection.
im all at once siding with both parties and neither of them.
How do rotate this man o_0

Erkan found a way around it, I took the easy road and just cheated lol. look closely at my sideways man

P.S. this thread is about making a good POD tone, not about "fuck POD buy 30 amps and mic them all and joey should be doing that I should know better". That´s been discussed like a million times and it´s a purely subjective matter until someone pops out the "I like my shit real and old-school, all you digital youngsters are destroying the good ol´ music" bullshit.

Music is how you make it and it won´t stop being "real" music if the instruments, amps, processors, etc. aren´t "real". there is still "real" sound coming out of those speakers, so fuck I say it´s valid to go digital, just as valid as going the traditional way. You can´t just say "he should be doing it the X way", even less if he´s fucking succesful as shit doing it the way you say he shouldn´t
No offense Joey, but maybe it's time to start your own forum and take some of these discussions there. It seems that any thread referencing one of your productions descends into a five page debate. You have achieved a level of success that would justify it and it might be more helpful to the folks that want to ask you questions and also insulate you from the criticism that you frankly don't take very well a lot of the time. With success comes scrutiny I'm afraid.

Don't get me wrong I'm certainly not suggesting that I don't want you here or that your posts aren't valuable. Obviously you are a valuable member but these threads are wearing and it might be more productive if you had your own Q+A space.
meh, 1/10. No lulz.

what's that, thread rating? yeah thread is pretty boring, here we go once again with the digital/analog webwars.
I'm actually more fascinated by how Egan can be such a politically correct asshole sometimes hahahaha Just playing around egan, sincerely you seem like a really nice and easy-going guy judging from internet conversations.
No offense Joey, but maybe it's time to start your own forum and take some of these discussions there. It seems that any thread referencing one of your productions descends into a five page debate. You have achieved a level of success that would justify it and it might be more helpful to the folks that want to ask you questions and also insulate you from the criticism that you frankly don't take very well a lot of the time. With success comes scrutiny I'm afraid.

Don't get me wrong I'm certainly not suggesting that I don't want you here or that your posts aren't valuable. Obviously you are a valuable member but these threads are wearing and it might be more productive if you had your own Q+A space.

he has a website It's down now, but probably because everyone's trying to scatter to see what joey's settings are :p
Who fucking cares if it was done with impulses, gearbox, Pod? To me what´s really matter it´s the final product. If it sounds good I am satisfied.
Its always amusing when people want settings ect. Im sure Joey will agree 90% of the sound is in the guitar players skill. How his guitar is setup, what strings, what tuning, how he strikes the strings, how good he is at muting unwanted strings, how he hits the strings (hard/soft). Do you really think that if you had 5 guitar players playing through joeys pod on the same settings they would sound the same?

You really should be asking Joey how he produces the guitar player. That is a better stance that what settings he uses. It really is in the hands of the player, time and time again.

My last point, just because Joey uses a POD do you really think he doesn't know how to mic a cab? Im more than sure he can do this sufficiently. Again, not rocket science, get a player with a good instrument and a good grasp of how to play the style, with a good amp and cab, put a 57 in front of it and a great sound will come out your monitors.

Im much more interested in how Joey gets the consistency with his work and what he does to produce guitar players through the recording.
he has a website It's down now, but probably because everyone's trying to scatter to see what joey's settings are :p
Fair enough but a down website doesn't address the issue I'm raising.
What I've tried to bring up diplomatically is that here we are once again on page 3 of a thread and while Joey has posted in his own defense the OP still doesn't have an answer to his question.
My thought was that with his own space perhaps Joey could answer whatever fan questions he chooses w/o a very strong presence of critics to sidetrack things. It seems like that would work out better for everyone.
I could be wrong.
You want the Joey Sturgis way to get good pod tones?

Turn down the gain, turn up the mids, and learn to play the fucking song.

That's it! The rest is his mixing genius. That's how any good producer usually gets good tone, mic'd or otherwise.

If it's any consolation, I made Joey use my amps, but we still went direct and used impulses/cab sim. It was a compromise we were both satisfied with.
Its always amusing when people want settings ect. Im sure Joey will agree 90% of the sound is in the guitar players skill. How his guitar is setup, what strings, what tuning, how he strikes the strings, how good he is at muting unwanted strings, how he hits the strings (hard/soft). Do you really think that if you had 5 guitar players playing through joeys pod on the same settings they would sound the same?

You really should be asking Joey how he produces the guitar player. That is a better stance that what settings he uses. It really is in the hands of the player, time and time again.

I've said it in a post before, I guess the only way for people to understand that fact is until they experience it themselves by recording many bands with the same setup, to realize it never sounds the same...
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