Joey Tafolla


Obey my dog!
Apr 24, 2005
Any fans? He's one of the forgotten 80's/90's Shrapnel guitarists.

I have Infra's more along the lines of Blues Saraceno than his other neo-classical stuff..I dig it.

Any comments?

Anyone want to mention the guitarists who are better?:lol:
Yep! Count me in as a fan! Especially of Infra Blue. Best he's ever done, IMO, but I THINK there is one newer release that completely rocked nadz, as well. I'm @ work, so I can't check, but if it becomes an issue, I'll do some digging... :)

(If this turns into a Guthrie Govan thread, I'm banning EVERYBODY, and changing their avatars to tampon machines - :lol:)
Oh, geeze, another one... I'll never keep up. No, I can't say as I've heard of him, not surprised, small group of friends with no connection to the real world... lol. I'll check him out, but I'll tell you right now, dont expect me to be impressed, because I know other players are better... and thats all that counts........ :Smokin:
I don't know offense razor, but when I read your quotes I think of the voice of Stewie from Family guy...I really don't know why.

Damn Vai clones...who can keep up with them all.
Yep! Count me in as a fan! Especially of Infra Blue. Best he's ever done, IMO, but I THINK there is one newer release that completely rocked nadz, as well. I'm @ work, so I can't check, but if it becomes an issue, I'll do some digging... :)

(If this turns into a Guthrie Govan thread, I'm banning EVERYBODY, and changing their avatars to tampon machines - :lol:)

If you ban me, the only guitarists ever mentioned will be Romeo...and...of course...Vai.:lol:
:lol: dont know who that is, once again, the connection to the real world problem. Seems like I must have seen the show at least once though. Actually I'm more like a cross of Jim from Taxi, whats his name ? the deputy from... Dukes of Hazard/Green Acres and Ernest with a touch of Nicholson on the side... is this a bad thing..... :lol:

*love you J-dubbz*

I played a Vai lick once.....I even own a jem


j-dub is going to hate me forever

Hate is such a strong word......:heh:
(I've owned an assload (5) of jems, loved them all...)
p.s. It was more than a lick on Erotic Cakes, bub....:mad:

If you ban me, the only guitarists ever mentioned will be Romeo...and...of course...Vai.:lol:

I'll be sure to throw an Eklundh or a Gilbert mention in from time to time. If I really wanna fuck things up, I'll mention :worship: Rory Gallagher :worship:
Any fans? He's one of the forgotten 80's/90's Shrapnel guitarists.

I have Infra's more along the lines of Blues Saraceno than his other neo-classical stuff..I dig it.

Any comments?

Anyone want to mention the guitarists who are better?:lol:

A very great album IMO great grooves & chops, I still play it at least once a month
Hate is such a strong word......:heh:
(I've owned an assload (5) of jems, loved them all...)
p.s. It was more than a lick on Erotic Cakes, bub....:mad:

I'll be sure to throw an Eklundh or a Gilbert mention in from time to time. If I really wanna fuck things up, I'll mention :worship: Rory Gallagher :worship:

Good selections J-Dub, the Rory Gallagher fender custom shop looks really cool,
I missed our anual Guitar talk at prog power hope to make it next year, last year was a blast with "IA" a really great guy.