Joey Vera: I cannot imagine Anthrax without John

jackfromczech said:
Do you really think what I wrote yesterday in the seven points is nothing but speculation??? That post doesn't need any external source ThraxEm, it's enough to read interviews and Scott's posts.

Hell yes I think it needs credibility. Without it its just another guess. If you are saying that you KNOW the next Anthrax record will have John on vocals you best be able to validate it. Yours, mine, or anyone elses interpretations of interviews etc still just means shit withou it.
I have read B13's posts, I have read the interviews. I dont feel I know anything more about the future than I did the day the new web site was launched...........all I do know is that Anthrax is doing a Reunion nostalgia tour right now......
jackfromczech said:
What I wrote were facts man. No speculations. It has nothing to do whether I know more than you or know shit. Read it closely again and try to read between the lines. It's easy like 1, 2, 3...

If these are facts then i'd like to to see the source of these "facts".

*Sits back and waits for 7 credible sources*
spacebeer said:
I am sorry but if he even cannot imagine he must be retarded. He should go to one of the shows maybe then he can imagine.
Haha so true.

Apart from being the better frontman, Belladonna is also by far the better vocalist of the two. I'm a singer myself, and most of the stuff he pulls off just thunders over everything Bush has ever done, either live (e.g. holding a high note for 20 seconds on full throttle) as on record (highpitched). One thing I've often read on these boards is that 'Bush rocked when he did Joey's stuff, but Joey would suck singing Bush material'. Well, Bush' performance on TGOTE was a disgrace to the Bella material. He was rather yelling than singing, and sounded strained overall.

Anthrax without Bush unthinkable? Then I guess the pre-92 Thrax was useless, and the current line-up doesn't get as much crowdattendance as the Bush line-up did. Get real. For the first time in ages, clubs are now packed again. Sorry Bush-fans, but Anthrax is back.

That being said, these arguements can last for ages. So I'll leave it to this.
Greg Cathalina said:
Haha so true.

...Apart from being the better frontman, Belladonna is also by far the better vocalist of the two. I'm a singer myself, and most of the stuff he pulls off just thunders over everything Bush has ever done, either live (e.g. holding a high note for 20 seconds on full throttle) as on record (highpitched)...
So because you're a singer, that makes you an expert on who's a better singer? Lemmy's a singer, does that make him an expert? This whole thing needs to end. (Joey's better, no John's better) It's WAY beyond old now!
Karina_666 said:
can't we all just accept that JB is the superior vocalist?????

LOL he isn't, but if you prefer him I can accept that! Like I said I'd probably buy a new AMORED SAINT album, butg I never quite got why people think he sounds more up to date, SAINT sounds (killer but) very dated to me. Just look at the pics on the "raising fear" album and they fact they actually wore lame armours on stage. No pun intended but both Joey and John are not the youngest anymore.
spacebeer said:
LOL he isn't, but if you prefer him I can accept that! Like I said I'd probably buy a new AMORED SAINT album, butg I never quite got why people think he sounds more up to date, SAINT sounds (killer but) very dated to me. Just look at the pics on the "raising fear" album and they fact they actually wore lame armours on stage. No pun intended but both Joey and John are not the youngest anymore.

uh, you must realize that Joey Belladonna and John Bush have the same initials, right?
John is way better, but joey fit what the sound was in the 80's.

there ya go, arguement over.

and remember, Crack is Whack.
spacebeer said:
LOL he isn't, but if you prefer him I can accept that! Like I said I'd probably buy a new AMORED SAINT album, butg I never quite got why people think he sounds more up to date, SAINT sounds (killer but) very dated to me. Just look at the pics on the "raising fear" album and they fact they actually wore lame armours on stage. No pun intended but both Joey and John are not the youngest anymore.
finally you confirmed you're dumb. i've been waiting for that. ;)
Greg Cathalina said:
Haha so true.

Apart from being the better frontman, Belladonna is also by far the better vocalist of the two. I'm a singer myself, and most of the stuff he pulls off just thunders over everything Bush has ever done, either live (e.g. holding a high note for 20 seconds on full throttle) as on record (highpitched). One thing I've often read on these boards is that 'Bush rocked when he did Joey's stuff, but Joey would suck singing Bush material'. Well, Bush' performance on TGOTE was a disgrace to the Bella material. He was rather yelling than singing, and sounded strained overall.

Anthrax without Bush unthinkable? Then I guess the pre-92 Thrax was useless, and the current line-up doesn't get as much crowdattendance as the Bush line-up did. Get real. For the first time in ages, clubs are now packed again. Sorry Bush-fans, but Anthrax is back.

That being said, these arguements can last for ages. So I'll leave it to this.

"Joey thundering over everything Bush has ever done," Is one of the most funniest & poorly used statements used to describe this situation. Joey & thunder should never be used in the same sentence. Ever!
I gotta agree. I love Joey Belladonna to death, but using the word "thunder" to describe him is just going too far. They both can sing better than James Hetfield nowadays, so let's just be thankful for that.
Karina_666 said:
I gotta agree. I love Joey Belladonna to death, but using the word "thunder" to describe him is just going too far. They both can sing better than James Hetfield nowadays, so let's just be thankful for that.
I'm thankful I made it home last night and thankful you post here ;)
Both JB´s have their strengths and weaknesses. Joey has more range, John´s voice is smoother to the common listener. What I also don´t get is the talking of Joey sounding dated - agreed, music can sound dated (a new Anthrax album completely copying the STD or ATL style would probably), but a voice? Someone could also call Robert Plant or Bon Scott dated because these days there aren´t too many vocalists around who sing like them, or John Bush because the Grunge years are over.
jackfromczech said:
Revelation: a new Anthrax album will feature John Bush but don't tell it anybody.....

That was the biggest bullshit/lie I've ever posted on this board.... Now it's time to apologize for giving Bush fans a vain hope. (Now I hope that Scott and Charlie won't change their minds in order to record the new album with the previous line-up because my apology would be rather unavailing.)