John Petrucci

Ive recently got into dream theater a bit, and although i really like alot of their stuff, i can honestly say that romeo is much better than petrucci, symphony x in general is more technically better than DS, plus the fact that MR is possibly the most humble person ever.
Yngwie is the MASTER, everyone Romeo respects so much HAS to be good!

On another topic :grin: Driver ikke Marcus med noe fusion greier da, det var det siste eg hørte fra han, hvor rask er egentlig pickingen hans, er det ikke 28 slag i sekundet???
I personally do not think Petrucci is arrogant. I have never met him, but from stories I have heard he certainly doesn't sound like he is. I even heard one story where someone was waiting for him after a show and it turns out that Petrucci had left as he needed to spend some time with his family. Then he ended up sending an autographed picture to the person who had been waiting for him. To me that is anything but arroagant. If he was arrogant he would not have cared.
shredmaster said:
Yngwie is the MASTER, everyone Romeo respects so much HAS to be good!

On another topic :grin: Driver ikke Marcus med noe fusion greier da, det var det siste eg hørte fra han, hvor rask er egentlig pickingen hans, er det ikke 28 slag i sekundet???
Han viste meg noe av fusion materialet sitt, veldig bra greier. Når det gjelder pickingen, så er nok Marcus noe raskere enn 28 slag i sekundet. Jeg klarer rundt 30 slag i sekundet(fakta), Marcus klarer oppimot 100.
shredmaster said:
Yngwie is the MASTER, everyone Romeo respects so much HAS to be good!

On another topic :grin: Driver ikke Marcus med noe fusion greier da, det var det siste eg hørte fra han, hvor rask er egentlig pickingen hans, er det ikke 28 slag i sekundet???

Rekorden hans var på cirka 42 noter i sekundet, men jeg tror det er trygt å si at hans "egentlige" hastighet er betydelig langsommere. Kanskje så lavt som 25-30 eller noe slikt, og det er fortsatt helt sinnsvakt fort. Aldri hørt noen andre spille stort raskere enn 20 nps (George Bellas, Rusty Cooley, kanskje Michael Angelo Batio). Francesco Fareri er også bortimot den hastigheten, men blir litt for slurvete for min del...

In English: Just said that Paus' speed record was around 42 notes per second, but seeing as it was just a short scalar fragment, his "real" speed is probably a lot less, although still amazingly fast.

For those interested in Mr. Cucumber, I'm pretty sure their site on is still up. "Caspersen's Secret Fetish" is my favorite one. Sounds like cartoon music, and the solos are just.... WHOAAHH!!!
..... :OMG: 48 slag!!!!!!!Det er jo bare helt utrolig!!! Bra eg fikk oppklart dette egentlig, eg tror faktisk eg klarer over 30 slag i sekundet av og til eg også, så det var litt rart at det "bare" var 28 slag i sekundet ja....Fy svarten, eg skulle liket å høre noe skikkelig musikk fra han, er det en cd eller en webside eg kan laste ned sanger,audioklipp og/eller videoklipp fra? bortsett fra Mp3 com, eg gidder ikke signe meg opp der. Dette er helt sinnsykt, 48 slag? Holder han i det hele tatt følge med venstrehånda?

Just asking some more questions about cd`s, left hand and such guys. :)
shredmaster said:
..... :OMG: 48 slag!!!!!!!Det er jo bare helt utrolig!!! Bra eg fikk oppklart dette egentlig, eg tror faktisk eg klarer over 30 slag i sekundet av og til eg også, så det var litt rart at det "bare" var 28 slag i sekundet ja...
Er du også en shredder? Hadde vært tøft å få hørt noe av gitarspillet ditt.
lol, oops, sorry - I didn't actually look at the old tour dates before I said something. Maybe it's just the Norwegians outside the one hub of civilization in the whole country who don't get to see them. :)

I got lucky - I happened to *look* at the tour dates pasted on the CD case when I got The Odyssey, and said, "Oh look, they're playing in Nuremburg and Stuttgart while I'm on vacation in Germany! Gosh, how convenient." Not that missing that show would have been life or death, since I'll have seen them five times by year's end...
My impression of John Petrucci is that he's a very nice, but rather quiet person. I've met him a few times in 2002 and 2003 and he was extremely nice on each occasion. But not very outgoing - whereas Mike or Jordan will give you a big smile and talk more openly, John is very polite yet reserved. I think it simply comes down to his personality. He actually blushed on one ocassion when a fan was going on about how great he is. I had similar experiences with John Myung, who was even less talkative, but also polite. I'm sure they all have their moments, like the rest of us, when they are rude or maybe don't give others the consideration they should. But nothing I've heard or observed about Petrucci translates to him being an arrogant jerk.
And he has them both in my opinion, seriously though, you are right but Yngwie DOES write good songs, examples of people who don`t do this is Rusty Cooley, Francesco Fareri and those guys.