Johnnie Czech....and Bush!


Feb 24, 2005
I am over being annoyed everytime I read a Johnnie comment about how shitty the ATL line-up and reunion is. I now find it pretty funny and actually think he's meaning it in a humorous way. It's starting to pop up in every thread!

Board member; "I had a sandwich for lunch yesterday"
Johnnie Czech; "Pity you didn't share it with Bush"

Board member; "I'll be having anal sex with my girl later"
Johnnie Czech; "Rob and Jon won't be there"

Board member; "My work sucks"
Johnnie Czech; "It wouldn't if Bush was your boss"

Buddy; "God I miss you"
Johnnie Czech; "Me too"
Johnnie Czech is one of the veterans on this site now. Despite our differing opinions of the reunion he is, was, always will be part of the Anthrax Family ... wooooooooah that sounds familiar!

Seriously everyones entitled to their opinion and respect everyones right to prefer Bush over Belladonna, vice versa or prefer Julio Iglesias
BTW Julio Iglesias is so damn hardcore he makes Rollins look like a Nancy boy.
I'm not ripping into Johnnie, I think it's funny.

Rollins IS a nancy boy. He sucked my cock at his last Glasgow show. Begged for it too....
Ross___ said:
I'm not ripping into Johnnie, I think it's funny.

Rollins IS a nancy boy. He sucked my cock at his last Glasgow show. Begged for it too....

:) Hahahahaha!

Ahem. o_O
Problem is there's a thin line between an opinion and bashing

Everybody that went to the shows said the line up kicked ass and still some insinst they totally suck while they haven;t even seen em yet...thet's pure and utter bashing...

Actually that is the whole problem with these message boards, safe behind a screen just stating mindless "opinions" and grab every oppertunity to bash anything you don't like.

It used to be different there was no internet and no fast media and you just accepted it when a line up changed and kept your opinion till you saw the band or heard the new record, that was a helluve a lot more constructive....

It almost seems at times that some people who happened to be Bush "groupies" made arrangements to all come to this forum and bash the hell out of anything the guys do and an leaving no opertunity unused to do so!
Were you saving that rant up for a while, Spacebeer?

Fat Christ, this thread was meant to be some light relief from all that stuff....
Yer Julio Iglesias still is hardcore. Perhaps he should front Anthrax?

Ah c'mon I seriously don't mind if some people are frustrated by all of this upheaval however spacebeer you are right man - before the internet we only had the radio and mags like Kerrang and Metal Hammer to keep us up to date.

Everyone wants their 5 minutes of opinion if u ask me!

Anyway less than a forntight now and I will seeing the MIGHTY THRAX
You know it's all OK, but it's just getting ridiculous some 16 year old bashing the hell out of Joey (saying he is Gay and ....well go look look for yourself in the threads) and the new logo (It isn;t even a new logo it's the same old A they used since 1984 or earlier and the same A that featured in the Pentathrax design), the website.....well everything they can find.

That's not fun anymore...go to the show enjoy it and if you don't like it state it once and write ANTHRAX off your favourite band list, just like I did in 1993!

Saturday I am gonna see em and I have been looking forward to it for 12+ years I don;t need someone to tell me they suck, I'll be the judge of that myself.

If they suck I'll post here first thing in the morning same if they don't!
hehe thank you for dedicating your thread to me. Am I the only one left to complain? Hard to believe.
I don't care Czech he has been a member longer. It is annoying seeing all his negative remarks over and over and then looking and seeing his pouting face right next to them. He may have been a member of this board alot longer than me but that doesn't free him of being a whiny fool. I got into Anthrax when he was still peeing his pants. The reason I never joined a board is because I gave up and lost interest in them before there were message boards. This was because of all the member changes and I didn't like the direction the music went.. Well, they are back for now and it seems to have triggered alot of fans from the past to re-kindle their interest in Anthrax. This doesn't make us less of Anthrax fans. If you don't like it why would you waste your time crying about it over and over like a 5 year old??? Why don't you go away until it blows over??? If ti doesn't, then go start a I love Bush website.....
tomass74 said:
I don't care Czech he has been a member longer. It is annoying seeing all his negative remarks over and over and then looking and seeing his pouting face right next to them. He may have been a member of this board alot longer than me but that doesn't free him of being a whiny fool. I got into Anthrax when he was still peeing his pants. The reason I never joined a board is because I gave up and lost interest in them before there were message boards. This was because of all the member changes and I didn't like the direction the music went.. Well, they are back for now and it seems to have triggered alot of fans from the past to re-kindle their interest in Anthrax. This doesn't make us less of Anthrax fans. If you don't like it why would you waste your time crying about it over and over like a 5 year old??? Why don't you go away until it blows over??? If ti doesn't, then go start a I love Bush website.....


Seriously, this shit is getting stale....
tomass74 said:
I don't care Czech he has been a member longer. It is annoying seeing all his negative remarks over and over and then looking and seeing his pouting face right next to them. He may have been a member of this board alot longer than me but that doesn't free him of being a whiny fool. I got into Anthrax when he was still peeing his pants. The reason I never joined a board is because I gave up and lost interest in them before there were message boards. This was because of all the member changes and I didn't like the direction the music went.. Well, they are back for now and it seems to have triggered alot of fans from the past to re-kindle their interest in Anthrax. This doesn't make us less of Anthrax fans. If you don't like it why would you waste your time crying about it over and over like a 5 year old??? Why don't you go away until it blows over??? If ti doesn't, then go start a I love Bush website.....

ease up turbo
I have been ignoring the crap since I joined..I just had to say something. I won't harp on it..
not as annoyng as the newbies having a hissy fit over us longtime members (yeah lame i know) expressing our disapproval at this re-union.

now reidie, you are whining about somone else's whining - and that's far worse...!!!