Joining the Navy

Oct 17, 2005
Kinnear, Wyoming
Didn't do so well on the ASVAB test when I took it a few weeks ago. My math is a little bit rusty so I am studying that section. If I can score a 50 or higher then I can get in and do what I would like to do. Computer/IT work.

Your thoughts on this branch?
Air Force, my friend. Air Force all the me. From someone who has been around every single service branch, AF is the way to go.

If you really want to see what life is like on a carrier (not that every part of the Navy is just like that), check out this series that was on PBS which is now on Youtube. It's a ten part series, encompassing 10 hours. It's definitely not a recruitment video.

It shows the good and bad side, but it really hit home that I joined the right branch after I saw this. The whole officer/enlisted thing is a big thing in the Navy, whereas in the AF it's still a big deal but they still treat you like a human being. Also, many AF jobs are much more tactical, technical, and give you more of an opportunity if you decide to get out.

We had a good run on death threads, how about a series of *Joining the (whatever armed forces branch)* threads?

I'm lookin' at you Will Bozarth!
Yeah, Will. I remember you were somewhat serious about it. You definitely should watch this series.

I'll tell you this much:

If I weren't happily living in Italy I'd still be in the Air Force. I got out because I didn't like the way it was heading, but there are many days where I miss the hell out of it.
I was trying to decide Chris. Between AF and the Navy. I really want to get out and see the world. I will check out those videos.

DUDE, I'M TELLING YOU. Air Force is the way to go unless you want to be stuck on a boat in the middle of the ocean for 6 months.

I can answer any question you have about the AF...just ask and I'll tell you not only what it's like but what you can expect. A recruiter won't tell you everything, although mine was pretty good.

How many people do you know who got out of the military still speak highly of it? If I could go back in time to my 18th birthday and choose all over again, I'd do it without blinking an eye. It was one of the most rewarding, fun, difficult, aggravating, eye-opening experiences I've ever had all rolled into one.

It's a regular job, man. You go to work and you come home. It's like college with a paycheck, only you can't do drugs.

Oh, did I tell you I've got $47,000 from the new GI Bill for college now? Yeah.

However, if you do it and decide it's not a career for you, or maybe halfway through your career you want to do something else, make THEM work for YOU. Rape those motherfuckers for everything they're worth. My last three years was doing just that. I milked the military for every single penny and made sure they were gonna give it to me if I signed my life away for 4-6 years.
You should join the SEALS. That or the Foreign Legion, they'll at least give you an alias :D
I was trying to decide Chris. Between AF and the Navy. I really want to get out and see the world. I will check out those videos.

The people I've known that were in the military generally had negative things to say about the Navy and positive things to say about the Air Force overall. The only two I know currently in the service are both in the Army. My ex was in the AF and did some sort of intelligence analysis work and liked it. I think if you're young enough and are aware of the mind games they play and that anything government related is generally bullshit, you can just milk it for what you can get out of the deal and pave the way towards a military career or have some good training for when you GTFO.
Chris get on yahoo I have questions.

edit: Cool video. My little sister is joining the Air Force this year and she has all the information for it. Either way, I'm joining one or the other.
The thing that kicked my ass on the ASVAB was the math. I forgot my equations and totally fucked up on that part. If I were to of taken that part right after High School I would of had a much better score. The only thing I did decent on was my English part. I just need to run through the Algebra basics again and I will be ok.
Didn't do so well on the ASVAB test when I took it a few weeks ago. My math is a little bit rusty so I am studying that section. If I can score a 50 or higher then I can get in and do what I would like to do. Computer/IT work.

Your thoughts on this branch?

Well, it all depends on what you want to do. I'm not going to get too into detail right now because I'm hungover as shit but "computer/IT work" doesn't explain a whole lot. For example, in 2003 I almost joined the Navy as a CTI (Cryptology) but didn't because of my whore of a girlfriend at the time. I got as far as taking the ASVAB, getting my score and such at MEPs.

Really find out what you want to do specifically because the Air Force may even be a better idea, depending on what you want to do and how far you want to take it. But just remember one thing:

My Ass Rides In Navy Equipment, Sir!
One job that my recruiter mentioned was the computer maintenance area. I know I need to be more specific the field of computer/tech work is massive.

Still leaning towards the Navy though. I don't want to be stuck in a base I would rather be stuck on a boat, traveling to different area's.
Well, it all depends on what you want to do. I'm not going to get too into detail right now because I'm hungover as shit but "computer/IT work" doesn't explain a whole lot. For example, in 2003 I almost joined the Navy as a CTI (Cryptology) but didn't because of my whore of a girlfriend at the time. I got as far as taking the ASVAB, getting my score and such at MEPs.

Really find out what you want to do specifically because the Air Force may even be a better idea, depending on what you want to do and how far you want to take it. But just remember one thing:

My Ass Rides In Navy Equipment, Sir!

Ah the old Crypto Linguist trick they pull on you. What they don't tell you is that for you to have any chance of becoming a crypto linguist and not flunk out, you pretty much have to be fluent in the language you're learning. It's got like a 90% washout rate, so they just stick you where they need you when you flunk out.
One job that my recruiter mentioned was the computer maintenance area. I know I need to be more specific the field of computer/tech work is massive.

Still leaning towards the Navy though. I don't want to be stuck in a base I would rather be stuck on a boat, traveling to different area's.

Computer Maintenance is exactly what it sounds like.

"Hey Airman/Seaman/Private Liverslapper, this is Captain I-just-fucked-up-my-computer. Why can't I get on the internet?"

"Well sir/ma'am, you haven't entered the correct proxy addy in your LAN settings."

It's a pretty easy job but you won't be doing anything cool with computers. Every couple of years when the new Dells come in, you'll have to take AAAAAAAALL the computers in your unit for an inventory and send them to DRMO, which is a warehouse where they store a bunch of shit they don't need anymore and auction it off.

If you want to get a cool job, get into anything tactical. Flying jobs are always the best. Being on flight status is a big bonus and I'm glad I was able to do it.