Joining the Navy

Sorry to make this so long, but when you get in basic training, no matter the service, you're going to be around a bunch of people in your same situation. You'll develop a really strong sense of cameraderie and you will have literally the entire squad/unit/platoon/whatever pushing you and motivating you and doing everything they can to help you and make sure you pass. You'll discover what teamwork truly is and you'll see why the military is a big close-knit family.

This will never change, as well. From the very beginning, from my needing to be pushed harder and further in basic training to ducking mortars and rockets and diving into the ditch on the side of the road for cover in Iraq, my people always had my back and I always had theirs. There were people I fucking couldn't stand in my unit, but I knew and they knew that when the shit hit the fan, we all had each others' backs no matter what. We'd risk our own lives and limbs for each other if called upon to do so and without question. This is something you'll find that cannot be replaced anywhere else in society and something I truly miss.

So if you start having problems with stuff in Basic, and you will because everyone does, they're gonna have your back. They're gonna do everything they can short of lying, cheating, and stealing to make sure you all get out of there together as a team.
I'm also into this malarkey, and so let me recommend Fartlek (it's Swedish :)).

It's essentially interval training, which in itself is an immense aid to fitness. Once you have a good base fitness, you can begin interval training. It's basically a system of exercises that deprives the muscles of oxygen and then allows them a set time to regain it. If done often enough the body becomes phenomenally adept and efficient at pushing oxygen around the muscles, and as a result all forms of exercise are significantly easier. It's also much more effective than steady pace running/jogging, and you can get the same gains in around 2/3 of the time.

For example if you jog say 30 minutes at a steady pace, 20 minutes of interval training will get you the same benefits for weight loss, although the efficiency of your body in pushing oxygen around the place increases much quicker.

There are tonnes of variations of the program but it's essentially like this:

A warm up (3 minutes of steady light jogging)
45 seconds all out top speed sprinting,
1 minute of quick jogging
1 minute of quick walking
and repeat this cycle (without the warm up) until you are satisfied (typically 6 cycles, I think).

I can't recommend it enough for weight loss and fitness. If you're interested just google "interval training".

Also, if you're after total fitness I recommend doing a weights program also, 2-3 times per week. Even if you're not interested in bulk/slimming, you can definitely tone up and make your muscles stronger and it also MAKES YOU SEXY.

Adequate rest is as essential as anything else also. Don't destroy yourself because you'll lose in the end. Doing weights requires a day break between each session, and I think you need minimum two days without cardiovascular activity per week too.

I have to back Derek up on the interval training bit. I did lots of it in the military and it really does work. It's a challenge and quite difficult sometimes but the payoff is worth it.
I was actually put onto it by an army fitness trainer. By pot luck a train I was waiting for was cancelled and so everyone was ushered onto a cramped bus, and the guy I ended up sitting beside trained special forces and the Royal Marines to be fit! He gave me a really good incite into non combat roles, and into interval training especially.
T'wer I to join the military, t'would have to be another branch because of that swim requirement. I never really learned how to swim properly, I barely manage as it is.

You just have to be able to stay afloat. The whole swimming thing, as I've been told from friends/family/my pals currently in the navy say thats it's the least worrying part of the basic.

Actually, to be honest, 3 of the last 4 people I've known that have gone through navy basic have told me it's a fucking joke. A 3 month womans fitness regimen is how it was described to me. :lol:

Oh, for the "joining the navy!" dudes, stick with the navy. Knowing plenty of people in the service these days (and imagine I woulda been one too!) I've heard a lot more yays for the navy than any other sector.

Just make sure you don't fuck up in the schooling, and get your job. Use judgement to know what you're good at, and don't sign up for anything with a high washout rate... because if/when you fuck up there you're going to get stuck wiping seaweed off of shit.
I'm also into this malarkey, and so let me recommend Fartlek (it's Swedish :)).

It's essentially interval training, which in itself is an immense aid to fitness. Once you have a good base fitness, you can begin interval training. It's basically a system of exercises that deprives the muscles of oxygen and then allows them a set time to regain it. If done often enough the body becomes phenomenally adept and efficient at pushing oxygen around the muscles, and as a result all forms of exercise are significantly easier. It's also much more effective than steady pace running/jogging, and you can get the same gains in around 2/3 of the time.

For example if you jog say 30 minutes at a steady pace, 20 minutes of interval training will get you the same benefits for weight loss, although the efficiency of your body in pushing oxygen around the place increases much quicker.

There are tonnes of variations of the program but it's essentially like this:

A warm up (3 minutes of steady light jogging)
45 seconds all out top speed sprinting,
1 minute of quick jogging
1 minute of quick walking
and repeat this cycle (without the warm up) until you are satisfied (typically 6 cycles, I think).

I can't recommend it enough for weight loss and fitness. If you're interested just google "interval training".

Also, if you're after total fitness I recommend doing a weights program also, 2-3 times per week. Even if you're not interested in bulk/slimming, you can definitely tone up and make your muscles stronger and it also MAKES YOU SEXY.

Adequate rest is as essential as anything else also. Don't destroy yourself because you'll lose in the end. Doing weights requires a day break between each session, and I think you need minimum two days without cardiovascular activity per week too.


Just read this article the other day... interesting stuff for sure.

Can You Get Fit in Six Minutes a Week?
By Gretchen Reynolds

A few years ago, researchers at the National Institute of Health and Nutrition in Japan put rats through a series of swim tests with surprising results. They had one group of rodents paddle in a small pool for six hours, this long workout broken into two sessions of three hours each. A second group of rats were made to stroke furiously through short, intense bouts of swimming, while carrying ballast to increase their workload. After 20 seconds, the weighted rats were scooped out of the water and allowed to rest for 10 seconds, before being placed back in the pool for another 20 seconds of exertion. The scientists had the rats repeat these brief, strenuous swims 14 times, for a total of about four-and-a-half minutes of swimming. Afterward, the researchers tested each rat’s muscle fibers and found that, as expected, the rats that had gone for the six-hour swim showed preliminary molecular changes that would increase endurance. But the second rodent group, which exercised for less than five minutes also showed the same molecular changes.

The potency of interval training is nothing new. Many athletes have been straining through interval sessions once or twice a week along with their regular workout for years. But what researchers have been looking at recently is whether humans, like that second group of rats, can increase endurance with only a few minutes of strenuous exercise, instead of hours? Could it be that most of us are spending more time than we need to trying to get fit?

The answer, a growing number of these sports scientists believe, may be yes.

“There was a time when the scientific literature suggested that the only way to achieve endurance was through endurance-type activities,” such as long runs or bike rides or, perhaps, six-hour swims, says Martin Gibala, PhD, chairman of the Department of Kinesiology at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada. But ongoing research from Gibala’s lab is turning that idea on its head. In one of the group’s recent studies, Gibala and his colleagues had a group of college students, who were healthy but not athletes, ride a stationary bike at a sustainable pace for between 90 and 120 minutes. Another set of students grunted through a series of short, strenuous intervals: 20 to 30 seconds of cycling at the highest intensity the riders could stand. After resting for four minutes, the students pedaled hard again for another 20 to 30 seconds, repeating the cycle four to six times (depending on how much each person could stand), “for a total of two to three minutes of very intense exercise per training session,” Gibala says.

Each of the two groups exercised three times a week. After two weeks, both groups showed almost identical increases in their endurance (as measured in a stationary bicycle time trial), even though the one group had exercised for six to nine minutes per week, and the other about five hours. Additionally, molecular changes that signal increased fitness were evident equally in both groups. “The number and size of the mitochondria within the muscles” of the students had increased significantly, Gibala says, a change that, before this work, had been associated almost exclusively with prolonged endurance training. Since mitochondria enable muscle cells to use oxygen to create energy, “changes in the volume of the mitochondria can have a big impact on endurance performance.” In other words, six minutes or so a week of hard exercise (plus the time spent warming up, cooling down, and resting between the bouts of intense work) had proven to be as good as multiple hours of working out for achieving fitness. The short, intense workouts aided in weight loss, too, although Gibala hadn’t been studying that effect. “The rate of energy expenditure remains higher longer into recovery” after brief, high-intensity exercise than after longer, easier workouts, Gibala says. Other researchers have found that similar, intense, brief sessions of exercise improve cardiac health, even among people with heart disease.

There’s a catch, though. Those six minutes, if they’re to be effective, must hurt. “We describe it as an ‘all-out’ effort,” Gibala says. You’ll be straying “well out of your comfort zone.” That level of discomfort makes some activities better-suited to intense training than others. “We haven’t studied runners,” Gibala says. The pounding involved in repeated sprinting could lead to injuries, depending on a runner’s experience and stride mechanics. But cycling and swimming work well. “I’m a terrible swimmer,” Gibala says, “so every session for me is intense, just because my technique is so awful.”
Meanwhile, his lab is studying whether people could telescope their workouts into even less time. Could a single, two- to three-minute bout of intense exercise confer the same endurance and health benefits as those six minutes of multiple intervals? Gibala is hopeful. “I’m 41, with two young children,” he says. “I don’t have time to go out and exercise for hours.” The results should be available this fall.

The Phys Ed column will appear here in Well every Wednesday and also in print once a month, in the Sunday magazine. In it, Gretchen Reynolds, who is working on a book about the frontiers of fitness, will write about what the latest science can tell us about how to make ourselves stronger, more flexible, less prone to pain and generally fitter and healthier. We want to hear what you think, so stay tuned and offer your comments and questions.
There really is no secret to losing weight and getting fit. Cut carbs and calories, eat less and drink more water, and 20 minutes of cardio each day (though this is not always possible, strive for at least 4 days a week). You will lose about two pounds a week and before no time you will be back in great shape.
I've lost about 15lbs since starting BJJ. I do no kind of exercise outside of practice, but I don't really need to because it's such a workout in itself. We train 3 times a week for about 2 hours each time. I can't say it enough... find yourself an activity you enjoy that's very physically demanding (any sport will do, pretty much), dedicate yourself to it and you'll start getting fit and dropping pounds before you know it. The most important part is sticking with it, because it WILL take longer than you'd like until you can literally see the results.

And the feeling you get after a good workout... it really is like drugs in a way. Your mood will go up, you'll feel better physically even if you're exhausted, and you'll appreciate that you actually did it and want to do it again. Words only do it so much justice. You have to actually experience it to fully understand.

Basically, my point is find an activity that makes exercising "fun", and not "exercise".

edit: oh yeah, and try to eat better too. Burn off more calories than you take in.
Glad to hear it!

What did you think about the part where the guy comes back and discovers his pregnant girlfriend is shacked up with her ex? My favorite part was, "Is this what you want?", and she goes, "Yeah, I guess so."

HAHAHAHA!!!! What a cunt. Poor guy, though. Was away for 6 months constantly worrying and thinking about starting a family and he gets back and finds out that he's gonna be a baby daddy.

I laughed my ass off at the openly-racist guy who got kicked out. He was a real winner. "It's just how I was raised!" lol

That badass Marine who told his life story about how his carnie parents ditched him at a carnival and left him with some guy they worked the carnival with was pretty powerful.

By the way, which did you decide on?

Leaning towards the Navy right now. Buying a pair or running shoes because right now the ones I am wearing blowwwwwwww.
Just read this article the other day...

Yep, there is a ridiculous amount of science behind it. I heard about it in a fitness magazine a few years ago. Athletes have been using it for a long time, so I tried it, and it's fantastic.

You can vary the cycles somethin' fierce, and tailor it entirely to yourself.

I'm generally with you Sir Kevin of Seattletown, I think getting fit via some form of enjoyable sport is the best and most reliable method.
Interval Training is what I do to slim down. To bulk up, I do a varied version, mostly decreased times, just enough to warm my body up for strength training.
Interval is also excellent for general fitness, although admittedly you do slim down more than you'd think.

I have a problem with bulk (I'm naturally pretty well built) so I need the interval training to keep me sexy.

Sexy sexy sexy.
P90x, my compadres. It's an intense workout. Been doing it for a few weeks, I've lost a ton of weight, and starting to showin' a mean toned body. Seriously, I'm sore after each workout, it's crazy.