Jon Schaffer is a dick

schaffer is a type of LEADER ... extreme guy; wheter or not he is a good guitar player or not .. well, I don´t know cause I like their music due to matts vox, mostly ... Schaffers personality - seems he´s an arrogant bastard! as long as the sound´s ok I have no real problem with this
IEs over all product sounds good for me .. but - as I already stated sometimes before - don´t compare Nevermore with IE ... as Ledmag already posted in here, too!
Originally posted by SevenTonguesOfGod
People that say Iced Earth sucks, shouldn't be allowed to be called "metalheads". Iced Earth is one of the best metal bands in the world today.

As far as Jon Schaffer being a dick... you guys are fucking retarded. Iced Earth is HIS creation. Its HIS fucking band, not Matt's. And I'm not bashing Matt either, because he is my favorite metal vocalist, but he is not Iced Earth... Jon is. Just like Jon said in that interview, Matt is replaceable. If Matt left, Iced Earth would continue.

And big fuckin' deal about him "taking credit", if you wanna call it that. He said he coached Matt.

Ok dick chin, you have waaay too many tongues going there, i cant understand a thing you said. YOur tongues are getting in the way of each other.

SHut the fuck up and ride JONS POLE you gay bastard. Take those 7 tongues and lick his fucken ass just like you do in your dreams.
Originally posted by Serge
schaffer is a type of LEADER ... extreme guy; wheter or not he is a good guitar player or not .. well, I don´t know cause I like their music due to matts vox, mostly ... Schaffers personality - seems he´s an arrogant bastard! as long as the sound´s ok I have no real problem with this
IEs over all product sounds good for me .. but - as I already stated sometimes before - don´t compare Nevermore with IE ... as Ledmag already posted in here, too!

I actually wasnt comparing this time..i was letting the originator see my view of IE, and i didnt feel like editing out all the VS stuff.
""as I already stated sometimes before - don´t compare Nevermore with IE ... as Ledmag already posted in here, too!"""

And no offence here, but you know that if i want to compare them...i will, be sure of that.
he´s a very tough and determined guy with clear opinions

I talked to him a few month´s ago and he was an affable man
jep, ledmag, I know
wanted to post here that we had this IE vs NM before and as before I can only say again that imo one cant compare such different types of stile ... its idiotic hehe
Jon Schaffer is surely the least talented arrogant egomaniacal bastard in metal. Has anyone heard the last few albums?; it seems all Mr Ego can do is recycle his own riffs, even his songwriting is getting stale. The only good thing on the last album was Digiorgio bass, and well he apparently couldnt stand Mr. Ego.
I think Ledmag is right, in that Schaffer doesnt have a better lead guitarist cause they would get all the glory. Was poor mr Ego not given much attention as a child, so to get attention he has to stab his friends in the back. And I do sort of like Iced Earth too.
Originally posted by Serge
jep, ledmag, I know
wanted to post here that we had this IE vs NM before and as before I can only say again that imo one cant compare such different types of stile ... its idiotic hehe

ANd yeah, your right, they are different..way diff.
It was just a subject you know, for discussion.
Originally posted by speed
Jon Schaffer is surely the least talented arrogant egomaniacal bastard in metal. Has anyone heard the last few albums?; it seems all Mr Ego can do is recycle his own riffs, even his songwriting is getting stale. The only good thing on the last album was Digiorgio bass, and well he apparently couldnt stand Mr. Ego.
I think Ledmag is right, in that Schaffer doesnt have a better lead guitarist cause they would get all the glory. Was poor mr Ego not given much attention as a child, so to get attention he has to stab his friends in the back. And I do sort of like Iced Earth too.

Your right about that back stabbing shit. Matt should break away and form his own band. I would like to think that if he got good musicians, his band would blow Jon off the face of the planet.

Yes he is a dick indeed!

Not only about all these you say, but mainly because he had gods Richard Christie (drums) and S.DiGiorgio on his last album... and they did nothing!!

He probably busted their balls about not doing their "usual stuff". But what was the purpose in having them in the first place??
yes that's so true!!

I mean, he is a great rythm guitarist, we have to be fair about that, but instead of getting a great lead guitarist to elevate the music, he just gets this 20 something year old bald guy, Larry Tarnowsky or something... I don't have anything against him of course, I would also love to play in a big metal band, but hey... I would that if I actually though I was good enough...
I think he got the 2 gods of metal to play on the cd so it would sell better.

If i were one of those 2 guys, i would not have done it. I refuse to be in a ONE MAN band. The bass player i had a few yrs back wanted to run the band, and we booted him. A band should be more than just one person, it should be every member.

Matt should not only leave the band, but he should KICK JONS ASS ON HIS WAY OUT!
Yeah, without Matt, IE is really a mediocre band. His vocals are why they are still around, not Jon's songwriting. I like every IE album to some degree, but I do agree that he is getting less and less creative with his riffs. If Matt's vox weren't there, and they didn't have Christy on drums, I doubt I'd be listening to the new stuff. Too bad Jon doesn't realize that Matt isn't expendable. If they had kept their old vocalist, they'd be disbanded by now.
Yes, indeed

I think that the best thing would be to return to the "burnt offerings" sound. I think it's their best work, really dark and complex, not like Dark Saga which is child's play...

And god damn it, LET CHRISTY DO HIS THING!!!!
Yea....i like Iced Earth a lot ....but again, it's mainly because of Barlow's singing....he has a very unique voice ....i also like the music , however Shaffer is being a Dickhead if he says that Barlow is replacable. IMO Barlow is the only thing that sets IE a lot apart from other bands.