Jon Schaffer is a dick

actually the only iced earth albums that are worth a shit are the first 2. burnt offerings is ok, but the rest are pure crap. the only thing worth a shit after taht one is the somthing wicked trilogy. horror show isnt worth the 3 cents worth of plastic the cd is made of.
Originally posted by SevenTonguesOfGod
People that say Iced Earth sucks, shouldn't be allowed to be called "metalheads". Iced Earth is one of the best metal bands in the world today.

As far as Jon Schaffer being a dick... you guys are fucking retarded. Iced Earth is HIS creation. Its HIS fucking band, not Matt's. And I'm not bashing Matt either, because he is my favorite metal vocalist, but he is not Iced Earth... Jon is. Just like Jon said in that interview, Matt is replaceable. If Matt left, Iced Earth would continue.

And big fuckin' deal about him "taking credit", if you wanna call it that. He said he coached Matt.
Yeah but you will never see JS saying "yeah, we have Matt to sing the lyrics I write because I suck at singing" he is taking credit for matt's fucking voice. HIS VOICE! Thats just dumb. He takes so much pride in his precious lyrics which, for the most part, are just cheesy and stupid. They would do better with Matt writting all the lyrics. Look at fucking horror show! Who do we have to blame for the dumb ass subject matter? JS of course.