SAZZ said:dont be shy, tell us how you really feel
EVERLOSTINDEADETERNITY said:I would fuck juliya in the ass as hard as I could while telling how much Korn sucked , then i would cum down her throat and say oh what A lovely tea party. But Shes still a stupid piece of shit bitch. I would try to hurt her, no apologies either. It would be the best and most painful 15 seconds of her life. I beat the shit outta her while I was doing it too. I hate that bitch.
EVERLOSTINDEADETERNITY said:Ha your funny, i have issues with women but not beating them, just her ...I dont know you . I tell my girlfriend constanly how much i hate Juliya all the time I see her on tv. She has no fear of me because I would never hurt her. Juliya yes........why the fuck am I even explaining myself to you. I hate her witha firey passion end of story.
You're not explaining a damn thing. You're mumbling like a dumbass. You complain about your so-called intelligence being insulted while you use piss-poor spelling and grammar. No, I am not the grammar police. I don't give a shit, but I feel the need to point out when one is not acting so bright yet claiming to be of superior mind power. There's no excuse for initiating violence against an innocent woman (or man). Being a poser is not a crime. Since we live in a relatively free society, you're still free to NOT watch Julya. Why don't you try that before fantasizing about violence.EVERLOSTINDEADETERNITY said:Ha your funny, i have issues with women but not beating them, just her . And yes I have no inhibitions about saying my mind in public. If I saw her I would call her a poser and a joke, much like when I was at the Deicide show and talking to the guys in Jungle rot and I told them I thought glenn benton was an ass and a joke. They laughed. No she didnt do anything to me besides insult my intelligence by claiming to be so fucking metal and literaly not know shit about it. I stood up for women more times in my life than youll ever get laid,I been fired from jobs and beat up for standing up for women so you my friend can eat my ass. Ive had axes swung at my head by women and had many cheat on me with women , you know nothing of me and can piss off for all I care. Have a nice day.This is no offense to you considering I dont know you . I tell my girlfriend constanly how much i hate Juliya all the time I see her on tv. She has no fear of me because I would never hurt her. Juliya yes........why the fuck am I even explaining myself to you. I hate her witha firey passion end of story.
EVERLOSTINDEADETERNITY said:Also to Skorned I dont doubt your past or the hard times youve had. But you are also not me. I am just one of those people that thinks the human race is a worthless diseased pile of shit and is gods greatest creation but also biggest failure...Ive had to move to other states because of people trying to kill me because of stupid fucking girls. I dont mean to the female race as a whole but to the ones Ive encountered in my life. I have yet to find or run into any female that has actually shown me that they arent all crazy, neurotic , or have severre emotional problems. Everythings a big fucking deal and is over dramatized constantly.Focus! Focus! This issue at hand is you made a statement about wanting to severely rape and beat a woman you have never met! All this because she probably represents to you someone that you have experienced before. It's not a good thing that's all not to mention unfair. You are representing that that you hate. Look within yourself find where the true anger lies. Don't you hate being judged by people who don't know you?
I don't find it that funny. Besides, everlost is an adult and should be able to control himself. Hopefully if he's ever near Julya, she's armed.lespaulbass666 said:this is as funny as the gun control thread, or the on going td vs buddy threads we've had on the board. i remember being as young angry and stupid, and saying things about as stupid as everlost. i think i was 12 or 13. ooooooooohhhhhhhhh the humor of it all!!!!!!![]()
jdelpi said:I don't find it that funny. Besides, everlost is an adult and should be able to control himself. Hopefully if he's ever near Julya, she's armed.
jdelpi said:You can only control yourself. You can't control others. I don't let the fact that bands like Korn and Disturbed are popular make me upset. It's no reason to get violent. You think life's bad because Anthrax isn't popular and Korn is? There are a hell of things in the world that are far worse. Millions of people die each year because of malaria. Zimbabwe is run by a crook who's leading the nation into poverty. Babies are born addicted to crack. The list goes on.
Never said rape. Who gives a shit about Zimbabwe or crack babies or malaira. WHo gives ashit about the tsunami for god sakes. Theyll have it repopulated in 10 years anyway. If people are to fucking stupid or weak to overthrow a tyrant , get off drugs , or purify their water why is that the rest of the worlds responsibility to fix it. Fucking liberals. LIke the shit in Iraq, NUKE THE FUCKERS. Hey the worlds shit right now and even though I can barely support a family lets give all my money to other countries and the government and people who refuse to work and people who cant stop having kids. Long live loathing and laziness.
Fags shouldnt marry, illegals should be thrown out, and what happen at the world trade center shoudlve happened at the VIBE or SOURCE awards. The worlds fucked and theyll never fix it. To a glorious end.
coop said:Sounds like you've got a lot more than just woman issues to deal with, sir.
My point was to say, there are things going on in this world that are far worse than good bands not receiving the popularity we think they deserve. Yet you want to beat a woman because she's a poser.EVERLOSTINDEADETERNITY said:Never said rape. Who gives a shit about Zimbabwe or crack babies or malaira. WHo gives ashit about the tsunami for god sakes. Theyll have it repopulated in 10 years anyway. If people are to fucking stupid or weak to overthrow a tyrant , get off drugs , or purify their water why is that the rest of the worlds responsibility to fix it. Fucking liberals. LIke the shit in Iraq, NUKE THE FUCKERS. Hey the worlds shit right now and even though I can barely support a family lets give all my money to other countries and the government and people who refuse to work and people who cant stop having kids. Long live loathing and laziness.
Fags shouldnt marry, illegals should be thrown out, and what happen at the world trade center shoudlve happened at the VIBE or SOURCE awards. The worlds fucked and theyll never fix it. To a glorious end.
Correct. You never said "rape." You just wanted to "beat the shit" out of that "piece of shit bitch" after fucking her in the ass and ejaculating in her mouth. You also said you wouldn't hurt your girlfriend but would hurt Julya. It's not a surprise many of this have taken this to mean RAPE.EVERLOSTINDEADETERNITY said:YOAHHHHHH I never said I wanted to rape her, I said I wanted to fuck her. Where did I say rape?????? And no, i could give a shitless what people think because most people are dumbshits. I never said rape, rape is for the sexually frustrated and mentally disfunctional. I never said rape . The words rape never were typed on this board. I said I wanted to beat her yes and fuck her but never rape. I wouldnt do shit like that. You have mistaken my words. I know exactly where my anger lies. I severly doubt you would be beating my ass, now your picking a fight because you misunderstood. Typical of a woman to misconstru and take words outta context. Since when does wanting to fuck someone hard mean I want to force her to fuck me. I meant I would fuck her hard and try to hurt her. Not forcefully rape her. I like rough sex, so what? You cant tell me you havent like a good hard fuckin. I mean it does say white trash princess. Being from Oklahoma Ive had my share of white trash , its fun at first but then you take a step up to a college girl and everythings better and less smelly.![]()