
Skorned1 said:
Okay, truce. I was really enjoying the war, but I guess we can stop. You are the bigger person for changing the tone. I almast did it a while ago, but I was having too much fun. :muahaha:

We can go back to that if it turns you on??? :err: No, okay. Ehh I get tired of arguing with people after a while. Its always better to make sexy jokes and innuendos. Or just agree and say YES I AM A DIRTY STUPID IGNORANT BASTARD, that always throws them for a loop. So what are you wearing??? Wait...... I mean looks like nice weather tomorrow. I can wear my shorts.
I need to get MTV2 so I can watch B&B. I miss that lowest common denominator-type humor and I'm damn proud to admit it!!

BTW, If this keeps up we'll be right on the heels of the "who gets the last word"

Ok, maybe not...(just looked at the post count on that thing...good fucking Lord!!)

We can go back to that if it turns you on??? :err: No, okay. Ehh I get tired of arguing with people after a while. Its always better to make sexy jokes and innuendos. Or just agree and say YES I AM A DIRTY STUPID IGNORANT BASTARD, that always throws them for a loop. So what are you wearing??? Wait...... I mean looks like nice weather tomorrow. I can wear my shorts.

You're killing me! :lol:
coop said:
I need to get MTV2 so I can watch B&B. I miss that lowest common denominator-type humor and I'm damn proud to admit it!!

BTW, If this keeps up we'll be right on the heels of the "who gets the last word"

Ok, maybe not...(just looked at the post count on that thing...good fucking Lord!!)


Yea, if LesPaul keeps studdering we'll catch up in no time!! :lol:
By any chance is Porky Pig an Anthrax fan? He and Les could get 100 posts in a matter of minutes!! (Just messing with you, Les.) :)

Neither one of you read the next sentence did you???? What, do you pick and chose what you read?? I said I hated my pals, spics and white trash but THAT THERE WAS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THEM AND WHITES, BLACKS , AND MEXICANS. The negative refers to people who wont help themselves and are people who live off welfare , refuse to get jobs , and continue to have kids. HOW FUCKING HARD IS THAT TO UNDERSTAND???? I shouldve seen this kind of reaction seeing as you have the word JOB?????? in your occupation slot on your profile. Either your both stupid and cant tell that there IS a difference or you fall into one of the above categories. No need to comment Skorned youve already made yourself crystal clear. Your right Hell have no furry like a dumb white trash princess scourned. Its called irony, maybe you should enlighten yourself. See this is why I hang out at the Nevermore board cause every other board is just to damn sensitive.
You are a dumbass.
http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?book=Dictionary&va=my pals

"my pals" and "spic" are terms used for all blacks and Hispanics, respectively. When members of the Klan went to lynch "my pals," they were going to lynch any black person, not just ones on welfare.

In case you need more proof from other dictionaries:
http://www.askoxford.com/concise_oed/my pals?view=uk

A wise man once said, "think before you speak. Or suffer for your words."

Also, saying "your stupid" is about the dumbest insult I have ever heard. It is "you're stupid," if you're going to say it. I suggest you don't, since you can't spell it, Mr. Intellect.