
jdelpi said:
My point was to say, there are things going on in this world that are far worse than good bands not receiving the popularity we think they deserve. Yet you want to beat a woman because she's a poser.

And your point would beeee???? Just kidding dude, i understand what you and white trash lady are saying. I do. This is the only world we have and its important to do the best we can to keep it liveable. Its not so much that I would really beat her its just pure rage that fills me when i see her on tv and she speaks and you know shes full of shit. Not that much unlike when I watch politics. I think you guys are talking me way to seriously. Its liek when you see someone and your like GEEZE I FUCKING DESPISE THAT PERSON. Its similar. Since when is it a crime to be angry and become enraged, if you dont do anything about it then whys it so bad. You guys need to not take everything so literal and think OH MY GOD HES A WOMAN BEATER AND A RAPIST. When I never said I was a rapist or women beater. Are you saying that there is nothing in this world that makes you angry or spiteful. Your saying youve never seen anybody that you thought needed to have the shit kicked outta them to pull their head outta their ass. If thats the case then you are a highly enlightened person, but I doubt that you can honestly say that nothing makes you angry or disgusted. In that case you are probably a push over then because you accept everything that is handed to you. My pet peeve is stupid people and fakes. Yes yes I know, world, love, people ,dying, liberal, Yadda yadda yadda. The world was here long before me and will be here long after Im gone. Hopefully the human race will not be. :wave:
Lost: Rape? I'm going to say yes, you did say that. Rape means that the act is not consensual. I highly doubt she would consent to such a flogging from someone who hates her. Me? Yes, I do love a good grudge fuck. I wanna leave w/bruises and not to be able to walk for a week. However, it wouldn't be from someone who hates me. I have too much pride to pitty fuck a disgruntal narrow minded bitch. You spread negativity like it were nothing and wonder why your life sucks. You'd be surprised what a smile and selfless deed will award you in Karma alone. At my darkest hour I would still smile at people I didn't know and be polite to people who I encountered. You know why? Because they don't deserve to have their day ruined because my life sucks. Random acts of kindness are rewarding, try it. Without care of race, religion or beliefs. Negative actions will lash back at you three fold. It is the law of the universe. So, the bigger the asshole you wanna be, the more your life will suck. You reep what you sow. Living in Oklahoma, you should know what that means.

White Trash: I am white, obviously, and I am proud. Blacks, hispanics, asians etc are aloud to be proud as am I. Unfortunately, since racist assholes have put such a negative twist on White Pride, I add a humorous twist to it. I have gone to college and owned a successful business but that's not why I smell so good. It's because I practice good hygiene and use the best bath products.
jdelpi said:
Correct. You never said "rape." You just wanted to "beat the shit" out of that "piece of shit bitch" after fucking her in the ass and ejaculating in her mouth. You also said you wouldn't hurt your girlfriend but would hurt Julya. It's not a surprise many of this have taken this to mean RAPE.

Yes it is a surprise, because that word never came outta my mouth. Its that simple. People take shit to literal and take things outta context. If I wanted to say those words I wouldve said it, but I didnt.
Man your hilarious. I never said I had a shitty life either. I actually am rather spolied by my family. I dont live in Oklahoma anymore. I never said I was racist either. I hate my pals and white trash and dirty spics. There is a difference between this and blacks, whites and mexicans. Anybody who knows me , knows Im a fun guy to be around. Ive gone to college too and considering most professors are liberal or democratic assholes that comment doesnt hold much water to me. I was a professional bag pipe player for 7 years and played for Bill Clinton and met him twice at the Oklahoma city bombing memorial site. Ive helped families move and have built houses. Ive played at more funerals for families of friends of mine all before I even got outta highschool. I give money to homeless people on the street. I believe deeply in animal rights and would severly beat someone if I saw them hurting an animal.You know nothing of me and assume Im a self loathing depressed racist woman beater. I find this very humorous. You automatically assumed that based on one thread about somebody who I really despise. I forget that in this day and age we dont wanna offend anyone because people take everything to literal. Its illegal to speak your mind or vent your anger anymore. Im the most out going person youd ever meet. I talk to people I dont know constantly and it embarrasses my girlfriend because Illtlak to people for hours on the street.
jdelpi said:
Was never a fan of Madeline Albright, but I never wanted to fuck her in the ass and make her hurt.

HAHAHAHAHA , sorry thats funny. If its any conselation I hate eminem and kid rock and wish to beat their knee caps in with a bat. DOes that make me a bad person too?
Neither one of you read the next sentence did you???? What, do you pick and chose what you read?? I said I hated my pals, spics and white trash but THAT THERE WAS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THEM AND WHITES, BLACKS , AND MEXICANS. The negative refers to people who wont help themselves and are people who live off welfare , refuse to get jobs , and continue to have kids. HOW FUCKING HARD IS THAT TO UNDERSTAND???? I shouldve seen this kind of reaction seeing as you have the word JOB?????? in your occupation slot on your profile. Either your both stupid and cant tell that there IS a difference or you fall into one of the above categories. No need to comment Skorned youve already made yourself crystal clear. Your right Hell have no furry like a dumb white trash princess scourned. Its called irony, maybe you should enlighten yourself. See this is why I hang out at the Nevermore board cause every other board is just to damn sensitive.
You started it, tough guy. If speaking against what is wrong makes me sensitive, so be it. Oh no! I'm sensitive! You came out of nowhere shouting about a savage beating. Seriously! Read it again! I'm not afraid to speak up/write to people that think that behavior is acceptable. OKAY! You wouldn't REALLY do it. OKAY! But, like I tell my 3 yr. old. Think before you speak (In your case - write). I don't use the N-word because it has a horrid history attached to it. Dumb I am not. I speak my mind and am not afraid to stand up for what I believe is right.
"Your both stupid." Isn't there a saying about throwing stones in glass houses? How does it go? Ummm...oh well. This dude isn't worth the effort. I hope you get your anger management issues under control before you end up incarcerated having large black men fuck you because they want to make you hurt. That sure would be a shame, wouldn't it? Good evening, sir.

[/QUOTE] I speak my mind and am not afraid to stand up for what I believe is right.[/QUOTE]

Hence forth the white trash princess. :grin: :wave:
Come on that was a good burn and you know it.

Okay black people call themselves my pals and Im not talking about all black people , just a select small group. I never claimed to be tough, you put words in others mouths who never use them because you are defensive about something. YOu are automatically getting defensive over one thread of posts after never looking at anything else Ive ever posted or ever talking to me before. And if you cant figure out what venting anger then im sorry.

Also just for my own reference , are you hot??? :grin:
Not that Id wanna beat you or anything. :wave:
So are you?
coop said:
"Your both stupid." Isn't there a saying about throwing stones in glass houses? How does it go? Ummm...oh well. This dude isn't worth the effort. I hope you get your anger management issues under control before you end up incarcerated having large black men fuck you because they want to make you hurt. That sure would be a shame, wouldn't it? Good evening, sir.


You cant even remember the saying and your mouthing me? Where did all this anger issues come from, obviously you skipped several of my posts. You sir can suck a fart outta my ass. :wave: Good evening to you.
As some white people affectionately refer to themselves as "white trash"

Yes this is true also.

Am I hot?...I'd fuck me! :muahaha

* evil grin* excellent * taps fingers together*

Well in that case I love you and Im not a woman beater. Wait......
Im sure youve heard that before. :grin:

Sorry , sorry bad joke.

Wait.........This masterbation you speak of???????? :err: You excite me like no other. :tickled:

Well I hope that we can put this really lame thread war behind us because now you know a little more about how much of an asshole I am and I know how much of a dirty girl you are. And that excites me. :grin: This whole thread is basically one long mistaking of ones words about venting my anger towards one human being.
Lets start over.
Hi im a racist, woman beating pig ( sarcasm is the highest form of flattery) :hypno:
coop said:
:OMG: :worship: :rock:

No further comments, your honor. :grin:


Most woman do it and I find it very sexy, I prefer to eat at the Y mysef. If you catch my drift. :grin: Yes Im a drity boy. And because of my hours of strong will and determination I have exposed this sex crazed woman for who she really is. Not really but I can think about it. Oh yeah. :rock:
Okay, truce. I was really enjoying the war, but I guess we can stop. You are the bigger person for changing the tone. I almast did it a while ago, but I was having too much fun. :muahaha: