Just a thought...


New Metal Member
Jan 19, 2003
Richmond, Virginia
Visit site
...this has probably been posted before but I was just thinking today and I think it is neat that even though with all of the fighting that goes on on this board at times we all realize that Opeth makes good music and is a good band. For some of us like myself they are the best band out there and for others who may not like them that much they still listen to them often and give them much respect. I guess because I dont really know that many people are into Opeth nearly as much around me here so I like to come to this forum to see that there are other people that listen to it and are into it just as much as I am. In some cases more. Thanks all and thanks to the people who run the site.
Yeah, the people around me are stuck in NU-Metal faze,and a large group are into 'Tallica (Which I am too) Ozzy and whatnot. I would say that out of the 100% of the kids at my high school, 99% of them never heard of Opeth, or their music. Which, in fact is really a shame because they make false comments about them. "They sing about dying".... That is the funniest one I heard......

Yeah, this place is great to talk to hardcore Opeth fans, that repspect their talents.

Originally posted by Death Opeth
Yeah, the people around me are stuck in NU-Metal faze,and a large group are into 'Tallica (Which I am too) Ozzy and whatnot. I would say that out of the 100% of the kids at my high school, 99% of them never heard of Opeth, or their music. Which, in fact is really a shame because they make false comments about them. "They sing about dying".... That is the funniest one I heard......

Yeah, this place is great to talk to hardcore Opeth fans, that repspect their talents.

That's pretty funny...anyway, don't you just feel so much more comfortable with the people around you at a concert then, for example, at school? That's kind of the feeling I get here (w/o lots of people crowded around in one spot headbanging ;) )
he was saying thanks, and you treat him like that? that's well harsh we should all show appreciation for the people that run UM... :)
btw all my school is a bunch of scallies that haven't even heard of metallica, never mind opeth. ah well, it's more exclusive that way ;)