Just booked the biggest show of my life.


man who plays drum
Jun 7, 2003
Wallingford, CT
Visit site
Hey everyone,

My band just got booked to play at the Meadowbrook U.S. Cellular Pavilion in Gilford, New Hampshire on Saturday, May 23. We are opening up for probably everyones favorite band on the forum -- KORN! (Ok, maybe not Everybody's but a good 90% I'm sure.)

Alright, granted, I'm not a fan of the band, but I respect the hell out of these guys for giving us and a few other local bands the opportunity to share the spotlight, and get a taste for what its like to play for 8,000+. If anyone in the New England area is interested, please check out www.fatesdivide.com for more info on the gig, and how you can help us get a better time slot. Tickets start at $25 for Lawn seats, and if anyone wants to come out, shoot me a PM, and I'll make sure to get you a goody bag.

www.myspace.com/FatesDivide for some samples of my band (I'm Drumming).

*Check out the guitar player, he's one of the best guitar players I've ever encountered. He's on the level of the supreme elite. Its an honor playing with this guy*
So are KORN reserving the opening spots for local bands on this tour or something? If so, then good on them. While I am not a big fan, they seemed the most genuine out of that newer breed of Nu Metal bands, in terms of actually caring about the music, as opposed to Bizkit, etc., where it was all about the celebrity factor.
So are KORN reserving the opening spots for local bands on this tour or something? If so, then good on them. While I am not a big fan, they seemed the most genuine out of that newer breed of Nu Metal bands, in terms of actually caring about the music, as opposed to Bizkit, etc., where it was all about the celebrity factor.

Here's how I've seen it work. Show starts at 8. Doors at 6:30. Local bands start playing at 7. Only a few early stragglers are there, but probably still more than most of these bands are used to playing in front of. Most bands fuck it up anyhow, acting like anybody in the crowd cares about them, instead of just playing as well as they can.
Regardless of the headlining act, (not a Korn fan here), that is an amazing accomplishment. Enjoy the hell out of playing in front of thousands (plural) of people !!!!!!!!
I've got the red bandana, the hairspray, a 10 pack of combs, and a double bass orange drumset w/ a full rack. I think I'm covered. I've got the point to the sky down, a couple flips, just need to get the twirls down.

I'm really excited for the opportunity to open for these guys. Unfortunately, it looks like the venues turning it into a festival style show, 2 stages, shitty local bands all day yadda yadda. Ticket Sales = prime time slot. Of course. We're already climbing that ladder pretty quick in the 24 hours we've been confirmed for the gig.

We're by far the heaviest band on the bill by a long shot, and definitely the shreddiest and thrashiest and other cool adjectives. I just cannot wait to take a picture from that stage, with the crowd in the background. Life Dream will then be complete.

Thanks guys for all the positive words! I encourage everyone to give us a listen, and give the band some feedback. www.myspace.com/FatesDivide