Just bought TGCD


May 3, 2003
Heya! Just a short post about the album. I was really, really pissed off during university yesterday, so I went to JB Hifi (one of the best places to get CD's in Australia, in my opinion) straight after and almost wet my pants when I found out the CD was actually there! It's been sold out in three of their other stores. You would have absolutely no clue how perfect it was to get it on that day; if it wasn't there and I had not had the chance to listen to the album yesterday, I still be feeling all screwed up! I resisted downloading the album just so I could have a special moment like this =)

Anyways, big kudos to the Katatonia guys for brightening my day (or week, or month even) with one of the best albums I've heard in a long time! :notworthy:

Edit: I must add that the black CD is so, so nice.
Well, I just placed an order for it on THE END RECORDS - they just got it in last night. WOOHOO - and it's the special limited edition BOX SET! Sure, it's kinda pricey compared to the standard, but fuck, I HAVE TO HAVE THIS!

Next week sometime, I will be holding this disc in my hands. CAN'T WAIT!
i ordered from the end as well last nite! I thought the price was fair since snapper is charging 12 pounds which is like way more than the end, and dont forget the shipping ;p
^ awesome guys, we all may be receiving it around the same time.

Haha, but i'm canadian and went for first class order, so it's $17.99 + $9.15 (you guys probably have free shipping, huh?)- but I still couldn't care less. It's like, price wasn't an issue with me when it comes to this album. Also, I figured, better just get it now before I regret later (just like I did with the blood inside limited edition set, heh)
Alcapoth said:
^ awesome guys, we all may be receiving it around the same time.

Haha, but i'm canadian and went for first class order, so it's $17.99 + $9.15 (you guys probably have free shipping, huh?)- but I still couldn't care less. It's like, price wasn't an issue with me when it comes to this album. Also, I figured, better just get it now before I regret later (just like I did with the blood inside limited edition set, heh)

I ordered it canadian standart (no UPS). Hope it won't take too long...
I didn't realise it was available from JB Hi Fi. There's one around the corner from my house- shows how on the ball I am.

Damn, I'd better go out tomorrow and have a look!!